Friday, April 30, 2004

~~this post turned out quite long~~

hubby was a jerk again today. he sure woke up in a mood, geeze, i'd be upset to if i got almost 7 hours of sleep!!!! right off he started bitching about the dishes. and how it was so nice out and he couldn't enjoy it cause he had to do dishes. oh boo f'ing hoo!!!! why the hell does he care?! i'm the one who fixes 3 meals a day for my son in there, then cooks us dinner, i am the one who has to look at them and deal with them all over the counter!!!!!

oh no, i'm sorry, it started all over a damn bottle of beer that he won on ebay. i told him i wasn't paying for it, so he better use his credit card. well this person only takes checks and money orders. so i told him to get a money order using his credit card. then he keeps saying that he doesn't THINK that you can get a money order with a credit card. he kept going on and on.........well just fucking call and find out, don't just think!!! find out for sure! well he said he did and they won't let you. i don't know, i'm going to call tomorrow. so he was like well, what are we going to do. i was like i don't know?!?!?! i don't have $40 to pay for a fucking 1 bottle of beer!!!!! right this second we barely have $40 to buy food for the week!!!! so then he got pissed and stormed off. well i called for him, cause i was going to apologize. at that time i wasn't trying to be shitty, i was just seriously meaning that we didn't have that extra money. so when he came to see what i wanted he had attitude, so then i didn't apologize! that is when he went off about the dishes and then had to add, well when is the last time you did a stitch of clothing in this house. well i don't do his laundry, we already had that argument. i am not going room to room picking clothes up off the floor wondering if they are dirty or not. that is what hampers are for. i bought him his own hamper. i told him when it is full, bring it down and i will do them. tell me why that is so hard?!?!? well he must not want his laundry done that bad, or he would do that. so then i was thinking, well when was the last time you did ANYTHING around this house?! i didn't say it though, sometimes it is just better to bite your tongue. i knew his response would be, well i work 40 hours a week and i don't get anything to show for it boo-hoo-hoo-hoo. well, i think you just got a car that we can't afford, we have a big screen tv that he wanted so bad, we have 2 computers, new camcorder, semi-new digi camera, all his bills are paid and are on time, he has a house, he has food to eat and clothes to wear, so what exactly doesn't he have?????

anyways, so i was thinking. ok he works 8 hours a day. i work 12+ hours a day!! yes his may be a bit harder physically, but mentally, i think mine takes the cake. i am up with clay at 8am, and usually he doesn't go down to sleep til 8 pm or a little after. i'm lucky if he takes a 2 hours nap, so if you want to get technical, you can say i work 10 hours a day. so what does he do in his 8 hours? well he gets a break like every half hour or so, he gets to walk around, talk and joke with his friends, and somewhere in there he has time to smoke a whole pack of cigarettes. i sure don't get a break every 1/2 hour, or hour at that. i get my break at about 1pm if and when clay takes a nap. i get to smoke maybe 4 cigarettes the whole time clay is awake. lucky if i get to pee once, and that isn't even in peace, cause he is usually running around getting into everything. in the time clay is even awake, i also cook dinner, which isn't so easy with a child hanging on your legs and pulling/pushing you. if clay needs a bath, i do that, then i am lucky if i even get to eat before i put him to bed at 8. a lot of times, i don't even eat dinner til about 9pm. and sleep........granted it is partly my fault, i'm lucky if i get 4 hours of sleep a night. meanwhile he gets at least 6-7 hours a night.

here is an example of his days:

working days: up at 7am, works 8-4, comes home, plays with clay for a bit, sometimes dozes off, goes on computer, goes to bed at 9-10pm.

working afternoons: up between noon-2, works, 4-12, comes home, we watch our shows, he may get on the computer, we got to bed about 4am.

working midnights:up usually 5-7pm, works 12-8, comes home, goes to sleep, no lately it is gets on computer, til I GET UP WITH CLAY , (8-9am) then he goes to bed.

oh to have it soooooo hard!!!!! i'll spare you, but i am half tempted to write what i do all in one day and show him!!! it would probably be as long as this whole post!

when he did my clients, that was usually when he was on days or midnights. and that was maybe 2-3 days a week, but now he isn't doing that! speaking of.......

that guy finally called me back today. he got my voicemail. he said that they did go with another company, something about the ladder issue we had. that they just don't have the time to run ladders out to the houses when we need them......which the last 1/2 dozen houses we did we didn't ask for a ladder, i told them i got one!!! so i don't know if he was just using that as an excuse, but he said he'd like to talk to me to discuss things or something to that matter. so you'd think that if they didn't want us, he just would have said they are using another company at this time, and they will keep us in mind or something. so i have my fingers crossed. i called him back but he was in a meeting and i told him that if that was the only problem that we have a ladder, and i would greatly appreciate it if they were to give us another chance.....basically kissing ass and begging for work!! i also sent out a letter today, i'll copy it here, i kind of really like it.....oops it is on the other computer, i'll post it later. so hopefully he will get it tomorrow, and get a hold of me either tomorrow or monday. everyone FINGERS CROSSED!!! we really, really need this money! and it is too good of money to let go. i figured it out, we make about $48 an hour. after paying amy, i make about $33/hour. but like i said we may get 2-3 houses every other week or so, which doesn't equal many hours, and that is not including drive time. so please wish me luck!!!!


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