Thursday, April 29, 2004

my son is just so darn cute!!!!! even though today he was up even earlier than usual. 7AM!!! i was hoping it was a little hiccup and he was going to go back to sleep for another hour, but no such luck. his butt is doing a bit better, but still had that damn diarrhea working against me!! yes, he is cute even with smelly diapers every 5 minutes!!!

he was so funny today. he was just going on and on. just spouting off "sentences". no real words, just a bunch of cute sounding stuff. and he would look at me all serious when he was doing it, as if he was waiting for some response. i wish i had some sort of interpreter. i am just so anxious and excited for him to start talking. i know once he starts, i will be kicking myself for wanting it so bad! haha!!!

it is our next big milestone, so i am eagerly awaiting it. especially since he was supposed to have words already at 12 mths. "they" say by 20mths, which he turned yesterday, they are supposed to have between 6-10 words. i'm assuming they mean words that he uses for something even if it isn't actually a word? if so we have NO, ma-ma and ma, something for kitty cat, i think something for fish, he's been pointing at a picture of a ball and says something that sounds like ball.....but he does that with letters too, so i don't know if it is just some weird coincidence that he is getting it right, he also says something like va-va, meaning vroom, when playing with his cars. sometimes he will even try to roar when he sees a picture of a lion on his flash cards....i also swear he tried the monkey, owl and pig too. it is all just random though, usually when you aren't paying attention. if you ask him to do it he wont! just like he knows where his nose, eyes, ears, and mouth are, but will rarely show you when you ask. so maybe i do have 6 "words". i'm not real worried about it yet though. i think it is just him being a little man, and being stubborn! i can just imagine how potty training is going to go!! AGH!!!!

oh well, i don't want him to grow up too fast, because then it will be time to have another!! and i am really not ready for that!!! i don't have too many years left though, so i don't have time to be dilly-dallying. we were supposed to try in august, but that keeps getting closer and closer!! i'm also fearful of another tubal. my chances aren't supposed to be any greater since i had the one in december, especially since i don't even have that tube anymore, but knowing my that worries me and wants me to start sooner than later, in case any problems arise. i'm supposed to wait about 6 months anyways after that surgery, so that is june. i don't know. if things improve with bob, maybe we can think about july. i don't know......i need to get off this baby talk!!! one definite thing want before getting pregnant again is to lose the weight i still have from the first, so that is another factor for me to consider.....or should i say get up off my butt and take care of!! once it finally gets nice, i will definitely be at the park everyday walking the track, that should help a lot!! i'm already getting ancy to get outside. i about died when it snowed yesterday!!!!!!!!! but it is supposed to be almost 80 tomorrow?! and my sinuses sure are feeling this shitty weather changes!!

ok, it is almost 1am, and i am beat, maybe i will go to bed (yeah right!) night all!!!


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