Thursday, April 29, 2004

well i still haven't heard back from the contractor about whether they are still using us or not. i left him voicemail sunday night!!!! i left another one tonight. i guess i probably should have called during the day and talk to him in person. but i'm not good at that, and i don't know what would have came out of my mouth if he did say that they went with someone else for the job. at this point i don't care (well i do) but i just want to know what is going on!!! i mean you think they would have the courtesy to call and let me know, especially since i called and asked!!

bob has been working over some this week, which is great! they are even working 6 days this week! woo-hoo!! just wish we were guaranteed that all the time, then we wouldn't have to worry about a supplemental income.

i want to get started on the whole ebay thing, but that just gives me a headache thinking about going through all my junk and actually organizing it all. then i hate to get rid of anything, so that would be a whole other mess. i'd like to start some sort of online store, but who knows what will sell. i don't want to invest money (which i don't really have) in product with no idea how it will go over. then again the old adage holds true, you have to spend (have) money to make money. i found some very cool wholesale sites, they have incredible stuff that i know would sell, but the stuff is going for thousands of dollars!! i need a good sell like THIS. i'm sure you all have seen it by now. i've got it in a few different groups, and kelly even has it in her blog. don't know if it is real, if it is GREAT for him!!!! must be nice!!!! if you check it out, read the whole thing it is pretty damn funny....even more so if it is actually legit. and look how many hits he is getting!!!!!!!!


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