~9-16-05~ ALIVE!
yes, i am still alive!! even after the "vacaton from HELL!"
been busy the past few weeks. clay's birthday was the 27th, then we went on vacationt he 1st. whew! i am finally relaxing now! well, not really.
now i have the little neighbor girls, not to be confused with "the neighbors", coming over after school, til their parents get home. and yes it is a GREAT help with and for clay, but lordly! those girls wear me out!!
i am going to be getting paid. i told the mom NO, since it was actually doing me a favor as well, but she insisted. so she is going to give me $30 every other week. i do feel bad taking it, but those girls sure can put away some food! the mother said she is going to get some snacks for them too. they are cute though, and they play wonderfully with clay. it doesn't wear him out like i thought it would though, so i am still not getting his butt to sleep til after 10pm!!
he is napping right now ~SHOCK~!!!! we went to the doctors today for his 3 year check. he is little! he is like 30 pounds, and like 36" tall. he is at about 50% for his weight and just under 25% for height. my little munchkin! all seems well though. EXCEPT i had to get that damned lead test i have been putting off, and also an anemia test, since he doesn't eat much meat. so i INSISTED that i was only getting it done if they would poke his finger, cause i am not putting him or myself through the whole needle in the arm thing we had to do before.
well i think the needle in the arm may have been better!!!!! the poke on the finger wasn't bad, i didn't know she was going to have to squeeze about a pint of blood out of his finger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then by the second tube she had to feel, his blood clotted!!!!!!!!!! so she had to RE-POKE his finger!!!!!!! that time he did cry for a second, thankfully i already had the m&m's out for that!!! so all in all it wasnt' bad, and now he is napping. the girls will be here in about a half hour, so he can take a quick nap.
on to one of my favorite topics..........TV!!!!!
survivor started!! woo-hoo!!! i am sooooooooooooooooo glad that stephanie is on AGAIN!!!! i just loved her!!!!!!!!!!! i hope she goes all the way this time!
i just finally finished watching hell's kitchen. although who i wanted to win didn't make it to the finals, at least the guy i wanted to win there did.
the cut, i am STILL catching up.......we are also a couple of episodes behind on that you think you can dance thing. is that one guy not INCREDIBLY HOT! the one with the foreign name. LORD IS HE JUST HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and that little spanish bulfighter dance he just did!!! WOW!
big brother is coming to an end next week. i PRAY that janell wins! since kaysar is gone she is my choice. i love her! she is too funny! and very smart about the game too!
well i will leave you with this for now, hopefully i can start writing again soon....

WELCOME BACK! How was the vacation?
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