~8-2-05~ Torture!
well i have my child shackled and bound in his room.....kidding, but i do have his gate up. i really hate that, but it is the ONLY way to get him to take a nap lately!
i give him several chances and several more warnings, but then the gate goes up, the tantrum, screaming and crying starts, then in about 10 minutes he is out! it really does work every time, but i just feel awful doing it!!
just went in to check on him. LOOK AT HIM! i don't even know how you would get in this position, then fall asleep!! haha!!!!

i was going to move him to his bed, but my luck he would wake up and not go back to sleep. i'm only going to let him sleep about an hour, heck he may get himself up before then sleeping like that! :)
while i am at pictures...here are 2 of my poor mousies.....RIP little guys!! they were alive here! as a matter of fact i was all excited that they were out of the nest and moving around! i guess they were like "where the fuck is my mom, we haven't had anything to eat in days....." (she died, so the babies didn't get fed and they died.)

here is my new aquarium set up:

here is where the mice used to be, but now home to my catfish....

yes i am aware it looks pretty nasty. i don't know what the deal is with it, it really, REALLY stinks too!!! my whole house reaked today, thank goodness i have french doors to close! i'll probably clean it out AGAIN here when i am done typing.
last aquarium. not many fish in here. i did add a few more last night, after the pic. but i just love the background in this tank!!

ok.....i have to get off of here and get something done....
just thought i would let you know, i am eating these pretzels i got from walmart, their brand...sam's choice..........OH MY GOD!!!! THEY ARE DELICIOUS!!! they have peanut butter inside of them! i don't know if other brands make these, but i am in love!!! and it is sooooooooo hard to stop eating them! clay bites them open and eats the peanut butter, that is it. he likes pretzles, so i don't know what the deal is there!!
have a great day!!!!
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