~8-24-05~ lordy....
i'm beat! i just cleaned my house ALL DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
someone was supposed to show the house tonight, which i don't even think they came damn it!!! but all that is the end of my story. i have been busy!
well not really busy, busy. the girls 2 door over, not "the neighbors", have been coming over as soon as they get up and don't really leave until supper, then they are back til well after 9. don't get me wrong, i LOVE it for clay's sake!!!! one is 8, one is 10, and their niece is 1. they are really cute, and very well behaved. they love clay and clay just LOVES them!! especially the 10 year old. now they boy doesn't say much, but whenever she leaves his sight, he is all "where shay-shay go?" her name is shailan. and her siblings call her shay-shay. that is so cute that clay picked that up.

i told them yesterday, they were going to have to come and entertain clay so i could clean my house today, for the showing. sure enough in their jammies they were here. just in the nick of time too, cause i was about to lose it with clay.
it sort of took longer with them here. first the 1 year olds mom was here, so i sort of felt obligated to talk to her, she is 20. so when she finally left it was lunch time, so i cooked everyone lunch. AGAIN you all with more than one little one, how in the world do you feed more than one at a time! i mean clay is damn near 3 (3 days!!) and yes i still have to feed him if i want him to eat more than 2 bites, and i had to feed the 1 year old. that was a pain!! lorday did those girls eat!!! they each had 2 bowls of mac and cheese, even the 1 year old! my kid.......yeah he ate about 2 bites! he is never going to grow!
so after that we got down to business! i cleaned the upstairs and when i was almost finished the girls finished picking up downstairs, all i had to do was vacuum, that was nice! and very considerate of them.
i felt odd cause i actually had to talk to their mother on the phone. i am an official parent now!!!! i know their mother thinks they are driving me nuts being here all the time but it really does NOT! i mean clay loves it! and frankly i like the company myself. a lot of times clay is playing with the 8 and 1 year olds and i am talking with the 10 year old. i hate, HATE that school starts next week! i am going to go nuts!! clay may have to start taking naps again!!
also.......look what i got!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

isn't he cute!!!!!!!!!!!!! actually he is stolen. yes, i stole my cat! and yes, i know i am terrible!!!!! but my child LOVES this cat!!!!!!!!!!! and the cat loves him apparently, he lets him do stuff like this:

and doesn't move, scratch, bite, nothing!!!!!!!!!!!! as a matter of fact i feel pretty bad for the cat!!!! and now my whole day is spent saying, "leave the cat alone clay" "put the cat down clay" "don't push on the cat clay" "let go of the cat's tail clay". i think i may just record it and play it on a loop.
i think it is my punishment for stealing it!! see it belonged to some neighbors down the way. and really, they didn't take care of it at all. they would leave it out all night, and not pay attention to it, and it was LOADED with fleas!!! yes my dreaded nemisis!!!!!!!!! check out last year at this time to know what i am talking about!
we knew it had fleas, i mean as soon as i talked bob into letting us keep him he was right in the sink for a flea bath. i PRAY we don't have a repeat of last year! i aleady had that stuff on spook, that supposedly lasts for 3 months, and as soon as OREO was dry he got it on him too.
anyways, i stole the cat. now i feel guilty! i didn't even want to see the people, i broke down and went over their today, noone seems upset! the little girl didn't even mention it! so i really think it was for the best. except that those little girls that play with clay KNOW, so i am afraid that, they in their youth, will slip up and say something! we he was just neutered and declawed, so if they want him back they will have to fork over some money for him now. yes, i am going to hell!!!!
but this cat is amazing! i mean he puts up with clay. he and spook are great together, and he is a LAP CAT! i finally got me a lap cat again. and he sleeps with us! so now of course i am an ITCHING bitch! he is just sooooooooooo cute, you should see how he eats........

he puts both his paws up on the bowl! how cute!! and boy did that cat eat the first night we had him!!!! poor thing was starving!!
he just came home today from the vet. he is in much better spirits than i thought he would be. he is just a great cat!
so what else is going on here??????? well i went off my birth control. so we should be trying for baby #2 very soon. i really want to lose some weight first, so after our vacation we are going to go on a diet or 2 that i have here. so maybe next month, for sure by october, if all goes well i'll be good and pregnant AGAIN!!! gasp! how scary!! but sort of exciting too.
our trip is coming up very quickly! so is clay's birthday. i still can't believe he is going to be 3! it is so amazing!
did i tell you all he knows how to get on the internet?!
he knows to click the explorer icon, then go up to favorites, then go to his folder, then click on elmo or noggin!! he even knows how to click on the arrows to scroll up and down! and i never even really showed him!!! he got it from watching me! that was a real trip!
anyways, i don't think the people who were supposed to come look at the house tonight did. pisses me off! not that we were real into it or anything at this moment. we are sort of like, whatever. i am not really looking forward to being poor, but i really do want a nice house, where i want it, OUT of the city! but again, i am going to miss the girls!!! my mother was nice enough to point out that if i get a house in east ja=pee=pee (sp???) i'm sure not going to have any neighbor kids who can pop over all the time. so as much as I want to be out in the country, nice and secluded, i guess i have to take in consideration my child(ren). so that is another thing we have to consider! and not knowing what is going on with bob's job scares me right now. i don't want to move into a new, doubled, house payment, then all of a sudden bob is on strike for god knows how long! that won't work with NO income coming in!!!! oh well, like i always say.......if it is meant to be, it will be.
well i will leave you all with a picture of my new hair cut, i wish i had an old one to compare it too. i'll look. see ya!!
OLD me (easter 05):

NEW me (gotta love SELF-taken photos!!):

well i will leave you with this cute picture, even though we both look silly!

i lied! i'll leave you with one where we both look cute :)

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