Sunday, July 17, 2005

~7-17-05~ I just can't take it...

i am just FILLED with good news this weekend! (sarcasim)

first i found out that the house we have a bid on is sold!!! i thought i was supposed to get 48 hour notice!!!! not like we could do anything anyways, but FUCK!!!

secondly NOONE came to our open house yesterday, or the impromtu one we had ourselves today!!!!!

and third, clay got his first bee sting today!!!!! wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. i knew it was coming for quite some time now, seeing how our backyard isn't grass, but mostly that clover those fuckers like so much.

he is fine. he just cried for a bit, but i think it was mostly cause i was messing with it to get the stinger out and to make sure i got it all. it's been almost 2 hours now, it is swollen or anything. you can barely even see it. i am still a bit stressed, but i think he is fine. THANK GOD he is not allergic!!!!!!!!!!

he and bob are off to get my chinese food now. i'll try and post soon with pictures of clay's new toy. were toys so expensive when i was little?? no, cause they didn't have cool shit for us like they do now days. well he only played on the damn think for like 2 minutes. i should have known. i swear, the more expensive, the less they get played with!! i am half tempted to take it back, but the child throws a fit when i deflate it. he doesn't want to play on it, but he wants it up. my child is just weird!!!!!!! i think he would play on it if other kids were on it, he keeps wanting bob and i to get on, but we are just too big. oh well, maybe he will grow into it. same thing i keep saying about that damn slide thing i got him.

take care!!

P.S. i'll miss ya trish! without you on here, guess we will have to actually call one another and stop and see each other! :)


Blogger Tricia said...

Life sucks doesn't it. But I'll always be reading your blog - and email you updates on my search.

Take care!

9:22 PM  

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