Friday, July 15, 2005

~7-15-05~ So......

sorry Patricia, for not posting more, i really do miss venting!!!! if i posted lately it would all be cuss words and yelling!!!!

my poor child is driving me insane, and HE is getting the brunt of it all. i fell awful lately. i actually said the words to bob the other day, i am going to murder your child! then of course i felt just awful after i said it, but my head was about to explode!!!!

how come almost all week that bob was on vacation, AND GETTING UP WITH CLAY IN THE MORNINGS, he was sleeping til AFTER 8!!!!! one day we had a showing at 9:30, and we basically had to wake him up at 9am!!!!!!!!

but now that mommy is back in "charge", why is it 6am?!?!?!?!?!? or the other day BEFORE 6am?!?!?!?!

of course the day he was up BEFORE 6am, was the day we were supposed to have a showing. so i tried to relax on the couch for a bit, but to my child that is the big green light to get into everything humanly possible that he is NOT supposed to get into!!!!!!! so NO relaxing. since my upstairs is now covered in nail polish, and various forms of makeup i FINALLY put everthing the hell up. and as i have learned the hard way on top of a very tall dresser, and on top of a console tv which sit high on a stand is STILL NOT the place cause he will just climb up on it or move a chair over to it to STILL CLIMB UP ON IT AND GET INTO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

so i ask.....WHERE THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO PUT SHIT HE IS NOT TO GET INTO?!?!? A FUCKING SAFE WITH A LOCK?!?!?! which he would probably get into anyways. did i mention that he knows how to unlock the deadbolt and just about every door in the house?! yes! my child is WAY too smart for his own good. i'm tying to pick up my house for the showing, on about 4 hours of sleep if that.....and what is he doing. he is practically behind me UNDOING everything i just did!!!! that is when my head was about to explode and i said the awful thing i said to bob when he called, and WHY THE HELL IS HE CALLING WHEN HE KNOWS I AM BUSTING MY ASS TRYING TO GET THE PLACE PRESENTABLE TO SHOW?!?!?! yes i was in a mood!!!!!!

so then after all of that, and the walk in the HOT ass sun, in UNBEARABLE humidity, THEY DIDN'T EVEN FUCKING SHOW UP!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?! so i was way pissed. i mean we did get free ice cream and lunch, since grandpa showed up and went with us on our walk, but that is not the point. i want my damn house sold!!!!! don't make me run around like a goof and yell at my son every 30 seconds like a HUGE goof and make it all for nothing!!!! yeah my house is (WAS) clean, but damn!!!

so i called my realtor so see what the hell the deal is, the people that were scheduled to come last friday at 6pm, but then switched it to saturday at 6pm NEVER SHOWED UP EITHER!!!!!!! luckily for them though we also had a showing earlier in the day, so i didn't do it just for them. and we were also going to a party that night, so we didn't leave JUST for them to come look at the house. BUT i havent' heard back for my realtor yet, so i don't know what the deal is. well we are having another open house tomorrow, i think i mentioned that in a previous post, so AGIN fingers crossed!!!!

another house just went up a few houses down from me HERE. i don't know if i showed you all this one, it too is down the road, but on mcgreggor, not the main road, but i still think mine is better, and looking at what they are asking for theirs i am SURE that the price of mine is not too high. i don't know what the deal is!!!!!

my child is actually napping right now, which isn't that much of a good thing. when he does nap it is about 850 million times harder to get him to stay put for the night! so we will see tonight! last night i kept his little butt up til about 10pm, hoping that would help, NOPE!!!! so it is back to 8, which i know sounds a bit early, MOM, but 8 means that he doesn't finally go to sleep til 9!

i know, i know, i just have to start taking my ass to bed early, but damn! i need MY unwinding time!!!!! which my unwinding time is taking much longer since i can't get downstairs to watch my shows til AFTER 9. YES, i unwind by watching my tv shows. and ya'll know i have a lot of them to watch, so it takes a while!!!! i have been doing better lately though. i am usually in bed by 12:30, and these days i am having NO trouble falling asleep once i am there, like i used to!!!!!

oh well, to end this on a cute note.....i started saying bedtime prayers with clay. it is just tooooooooooo damn cute! i do the whole now i lay me down to sleep thing. i say one word and he sometimes repeats it. the cute, well cutest part is that when i say "down" he says "up". yes he is doing it to be difficult, and he is a huge tease and does everything you tell him not to do or the opposite, so he has to say up cause i am telling him to say down (that is how my whole day goes!!!), but anyways it is cute! then we go, god bless daddy, grandma, gradpa, family, friends, everyone! amen. he likes that one the best and it is always AGAIN, and i wish you all could hear how he says again, it is sooooooo precious!!!! and seeing him trying to do the sign of the cross is just a hoot as well! what a cutie he is. even though half the time i am surprised he isn't struck down while praying since he is such a little devil! haha!!!!

well there ya go trish! at least it is a post!! haha!!

take care everyone, and in the most definite likely hood that i won't post again til the weekend or after, you all have a good and safe one!! take care!


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