Thursday, July 28, 2005

~7-28-05~ My excitement for the week...

i caught a mouse on monday! can you stand the excitement!!!!!!

well, i went out in the garage to check on my flowers, yes we bought MORE flowers! i heard a scratching noise. i was like what the hell. i could tell it was coming for the bag of bird seed. i was like GREAT, what the hell is in there?!

i got a flashlight and peered into the was a mouse!!!! so i started thinking, how in the hell am i going to catch this one....all my other attempts have been fruitless. i just took the cup that was in there, scooped him up along with a bunch of bird seed, covered the top, and put the whole thing in this aquarium we have in the garage! i caught a mouse! i was successful!!

as cute as i think they are, i was going to put him outside, but it was pouring rain and i would have felt awful. so i figured i'd put him in the aquarium for the time being.

well, tuesday it poured buckets! i mean tornado siren and everything.....jump ahead to today. i couldn't find him! it is sort of hard cause there is a bunch of coral and shells in there, along with the newspaper i put in there for him. so i thought maybe he got out.

bob said he seen him this morning, so i figured he was in there. i did the same thing the night before and couldn't' find him, then 5 minutes later he was sitting on one of the rocks.

so i come in tonight and go to the bathroom. bob yells up, i probably shouldn't tell you this............but your mouse had babies! i flew down the steps and out to the garage. SHE was under a piece of coral, you had to look up through the bottom of the aquarium, there with here were 3 pink blobs. the actually looked sort of gross. like it sure wasn't time for them to come out. i mean they are bright pink! no hair, nothing! their eyes aren't even open, just 2 little dark specks. he then told me to NOT freak out, they were not dead, he had seen them all move.

I HAVE BABIES!!!!!!!!!!! baby mice!!!! that is a first to me! i'm sorry for my excitement!!!!!!!

then bob jokingly said, damn it, i knew i should have got that thing out of here yesterday!!!!! why does my wife have to be so nice!!!

on the downside, i am going to have to get rid of them! NOT NOW! but when they are old enough. i just feel bad putting them out into the wild. i know, they ARE wild! but they are so damn cute!!!!!!!!!!!

it is so funny cause just before all of this i was thinking about going and getting a hamster cage or something for it, but then my brain kicked in and said that is all you need, something else to take care of!!!! then this! guess i was meant to have them!!

i don't care what anyone says, mice are just so damn adorable!!!! not so much the babies, but the adults! so i guess tonight will be spent looking up how to take care of baby luck they will all die, i should really know better!!!!

so fingers crossed, that they all turn out to be healthy adult mice! at least for my sake! not for who's house they will venture into next.

ok...i think my son is finally asleep now. i can finally go watch big brother, so bob can go to bed.

night all!!!


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