Tuesday, May 24, 2005

~5-24-05~ Things that make you go hhmm.....

due to all of the cleaning we did the past week, we have a TON of trash. the trashmen are going to love us today!

well anyways, i was sitting here and heard car doors, knowing that noone is home around me i was wondering what the car was. so i look out and these people are going through my trash like they just hit the mother lode!!!! i am NOT joking!

and the things i SAW them take! i can't even describe these one things, then they took a can of air freshener, which had to be about 99% empty or i wouldn't have thrown it away. then by the time i even seen there was a woman there, she walks around her car with a big old trash bag full of stuff!! what the hell was that?!?!

i hope bob threw away the right shit, cause if you know me people, i don't throw away ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!! so what could i have thrown away that these people were in awe over. i even heard her say to the guy, how cute. what????????

so they FILLED up their car!!!!!

now i'm not totally shocked by all of this. one other time when we did a major clean out, maybe when clay was coming. this one day i swear we had about 4 people stop to go through our trash. and how queer that they asked. i felt stupid when the guy asked if i minded if he went through there. nope, have fun buddy!

personally myself, i would stop if there were some nice looking stands, or tables or something of that sort, but i would not just stop by someones house and start digging through actual trash, to see what is inside!!!!!!

but hey, if i was throwing away something they needed, shoot go for it, i'm glad they got it instead of the land fill.

oh i forgot to tell you all. clay had his first cigarette the other day. and quit being appaled you non-smokers. it WAS NOT lit!!!!!!!!!!

a day before that he picked up one of my cigarette butts and was putting it in his mouth walking around. which i thought funny, and odd that he hasn't done it before now. but getting it from him was ridiculous! he did not want to give it up! then when i did get it, he was searching for others. try explaining to a 2 year old that mommy and daddy can put those in our mouths but you can't! OY!!!!

so anyways, i was working in the yard outside the other day. i came back around the corner and there he was sitting at the patio table, cigarette in his mouth, lighter in the other hand. i swear if i were 2 seconds longer, he would have had it lit!!! no, he doesn't know how to work a lighter yet, as smart and stubborn as he is, i am sure it won't be much longer. god, i hate, HATE the thought of having to get those child proof lighters!!! UGH!!!!

so yes, i thought it was funny. so sue me. but i also told him no, that it is only for grown ups. which is amazing he goes near them at all after the fuss that my mom makes about smoking.

so, other cute things he has done lately. i don't know if i wrote about it or not, he saw me getting my nails done the other day. so a few days after that he got a hold of a bottle of nail polish. he brought it to me, and was blowing on his fingers. i laughed and said you want mommy to paint your nails. YES. so i did, knowing with every stroke that his father was going to kill me!!! oh, but my child loves it. when he sees nail polish he still wants me to do it. i haven't lately, but it is not going to hurt the kid!!! heck right now he is walking around with one of my old purses. ha!! i sure won't be telling bob about that! :)

he is a cute little brat! not so much of a brat, but he is a tease. he does stuff intentionally. like now when we ask if he loves mommy or daddy. he will laugh and say no, cause he knows we want him to say yes. he said excuse me when he burped for about a day. now he will burp and look at you and laugh, cause he knows you want him to say excuse me. just stuff like that he does is so bad. but it is hard cause he is so cute!!!!!

lord i hope he takes a nap today!!!!! and NO he didn't take one yesterday! i really hope that it isn't 4 days in a row.

i was going to wake his little butt up early today, but of course i didn't get out of bed early. i busted my butt last night in the basement. and i was beat by the time i finally got to bed!!!!

it just needs to get SPRING again outside!!!!!! so we can go out and expend some energy!!! at least today if he doesn't nap, mom stayed home from work, so i will call her to come over and entertain him.

well right now my child is MIA and being QUIET, that is a definite sign he is doing something he shouldn't! so i am off to see WHAT NOW?!?!?!?!

have a good day everyone!!


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