Monday, May 23, 2005

~5-23-05~ Stressed!!

well now i am stressed again!

i just got off the phone with the realtor. some people from out of town wanted to look at our house a week or so ago, but we weren't ready, well they are being persistant!!!! now they want to look at it this weekend. sigh!!!

i guess it is a good thing, so why do i feel all like i don't want to?!?!?!

and not just because we still have a ton of stuff to do. i guess the truth is, as much as i want out of this place, i still have a special place for it cause it is MY house!!

we have really got a lot done in the past week. just as usual, you can't tell!! what is up with that?! bob took a TON of stuff from the basement to storage, and it looks worse now than it did before!!! HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN?!?!?!

that is the other bad thing about these people. their realtor wants pictures of the garage and the basement before they come this weekend. well the basement and the garage are the two WORSE parts of my house!!!!

thankfully we cleaned out the garage this past weekend, so basically there is just stuff in there, no more garbage and dirt. so that really isn't awful, it is just the garage isn't in too good of shape. the people before us didn't take care of squat in this house! so it isn't our fault. the basement is just a mess cause there is crap everywhere. hopefully once we get everything stacked and stored neatly in ONE area it won't look so bad. i mean when we got the new furnace last year, we cleared everything out of the way for the men, and it looked incredible.....what the hell happened in a year?!?!?!

we started the ceiling in the laundry room/half bath yesterday. it looks so nice.....except around the lights. i mean i am sure there is some technical way to know how to cut the tile to go around those things neatly, but neither bob nor i know it so that part looks sort of shitty. but i think it is going to look really nice when it is done. no, it didn't get done, cause once again my child did NOT take a nap yesterday, saturday either, which sets productivity around her to zilch.

i don't know. i guess we get done what we can get done, if the people like the place and it is meant to be it will happen reguardless of how "clean and neat" it is. right?!

and still i am in NO hurry really. we still haven't found a house that knocks us out. we have these 4 as our favorites, in order:

1. LOVE IT, just sucks that it is 25 min. away from mom and bob's work!!

2. REALLY LOVE may actually be the favorite, i just like the house in #1 better. this one is only 18 min away from mom, and it has 5 acres.

3. Love the house too, even though it is a bit small, and doesn't have as much land as i would like, just under an acre. it is about 19 min. from mom.

4. REALLY like this house, love the lake!! but doesn't have as much land, .73 acres, and it is 26 min. away!!

i like the prices better of 3 & 4! 2 just went on the market, so they may not be that willing to go down any in there price right now, which sucks!! or, since it is my favorite, now that i have said it to people, it will be sold this afternoon!!!! my luck!!

well i just hope clay takes a nap today. i may go start straightening the basement up. i was told to send her the pictures by wednesday. hopefully we can get that done tonight. really, it looks like a bigger job than it actually is. the biggest job is going to be packing up all the shit in the other bedrooms, and making those look presentable.

oh well, like i said, if it is meant to be then it will be, i can't get too stressed over it.

have a good day everyone!!


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