Monday, May 16, 2005

~5-16-05~ What ails me

i have a throbbing headache, my eyes are burning, my nose hurts.........

it is the tell tale signs that i have just watched EM: home edition!!!!

i must have went through half a box of tissue!!! lord was it a sad one tonight.

in case ya'll didn't watch, tonight it was a man who just lost his wife 7 months ago. they have 3 boys, young! one is like 4 one is a little over 2 and the other is like 18 months. the whole time i kept thinking how incredibly awful that would be to have to leave your children, not that she had a choice. she had an advanced form of lukemia. i think she died like 4 or 5 months after finding out about it.

so it just broke my heart to think that i would not be able to be here while my children were growing up. i thought about all the things i would miss, and then i thought about how sad it is that those kids would probably not remember their mother. UGH!!!!! the tears!!!!!!!!! through the WHOLE show!!!!

then the poor father. how awful losing the love of your life. then he gets this incredible house, and boat, and there is noone there to share it with!!!! it was the same way a few weeks ago, when they had a mother on there who lost her husband. i mean i see something cool on tv and i have to call bob to tell him and share with him, i couldn't imagine something like that happening and not having him there to share it with. sad, sad, sad, sad!!!!

the thing i don't like about the show it that it really makes you look at life and it is scary. you never know what is going to happen. and to see good, decent, kind people every week going through such trying ordeals. thank god for nbc, it is such a wonderful show, and i think it is absoulutly wonderful what they do for these families!!!!

ok, on to survivor. well i was royally pissed that ian quit. since steph isn't in it anymore, i wanted him to win. i personally don't know what he was so upset over....screw those people!!! but i guess he was just a better guy. at least he got a cool ass car, and i don't even like vets, but that one was sweet!!! so i was glad tom won, that katie girl just didn't deserve it. she just got lucky!!!

in other news...........

so my realtor calls last thursday night to say people were going to come look at it on, NO!!!!! i sure the hell ain't ready!!! i was getting shit done for the open house we were supposed to have on the 22nd! and wasn't going to be ready any sooner.

well getting stuff done today i realized that the 22nd just isn't going to cut it either!!!! bob has been working 6 days, so that leaves NO time to get stuff done around the house. he tried to get off this past saturday, but he couldn't, instead he had to work 10 hours!!!! my mom took clay today and we got a lot done , it just sucks cause now the place looks worse!!! shit is strewn everywhere and you can't really tell that we really did a lot!!!! that sucks!!!!!

ladies, those of you with kids, i honestly don't know how you get things done with children! there is no way i can get stuff done around here with clay. i can't even do laundry. i fold something put it in the basket, in about 1.5 seconds it is out of the basket and thrown across the room!! so can you see me trying to pack up a house?!?!?! or i just have so much stuff everywhere, if i am working on one thing, he is in another area tearing that up. i just can't do anything until he is asleep. so that gives me about 2 hours a day to do stuff. which translates into as soon as i get into something and start making progress, it is time for him to get up!!!

then when bob gets home it is time to eat dinner (which is another thing i try to do while clay is sleeping) by the time dinner is over it is usually after 6, and i start to get clay settled for bedtime at 8, so that is another maybe 2 hours!!!! in that 2 hours i have to entertain clay so bob can do whatever it is he has to do, so each of us get about 2 hours of work done a day on the house, WHICH AMOUNTS TO SQUAT GETTING DONE!!!!!

we have done good the past week or 2, we have been doing stuff outside, it looks soooo pretty, i wish i would have took before and after pics for you guys. we really busted our butts outside!!! that was easy cause the yard is fenced so clay could go do our thing and we did ours, plus he could play in the dirt or with the hose, no biggie. i wish it were that easy indoors!!!!

so needless to say there is no way we are going to be ready for an open house on the 22nd. i emailed the realtor and switched it for the 5th. that gives us about 2 more sundays to get stuff done (the only day bob is off). hopefully in there he can take a saturday or 2 off, which also sucks cause that is time and a half!!!!!

about those people who want to look at the house, i don't know if i can get them in here this week or not. it is just a mess. and really i am not in any hurry at this second, cause there aren't any houses out there that i totally love. which my luck it is always going to be this way.....if i get an offer on our house, i am not going to find a house i want, when i do find a house i want, i won't get any offers on my house!!!

it is my luck, i just know it!!!!!! plus i don't even want to look at any houses until i am done with mine! all our spare time we are putting into doing stuff here. i'm tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

part of me doesn't even want to move now! call me crazy!! but hell all the work and money we just put into the place! my house looks so pretty outside, now i want to see what it looks like decorated for christmas!!! my house was SUPPOSED to be done by christmas, so i already had it all planned out for decorating, but it wasn't, so now i want to actually SEE what i had invisioned! then the traffic and the sirens, and people all hours of the night come into play and i am ready. then i look at all i have to pack and organize, and again i don't want to move.......sigh!!!

well, it is wayyyyyyyy past my bedtime, i need to get to sleep!!!

night all!


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