Tuesday, May 24, 2005

~5-24-05~ More about my wonderful husband

DAY 4: still NO nap for my child!!!!!!!!

so anyways, bob and i have a TON of stuff to do before this weekends showing of the house......

he had to go to sear's hardware after work to pick up some stuff we need, well as above, no nap in 4 days!!!! so i had him come and get clay and take him with him before i went totally insane. i am exhausted, my stomach is killing me, probably due to stress, from my child and from all we have to do around here.

so i also give him coupons (that expire today) to go get movies from blockbuster, a list for the grocery store, and also have him pick up some take out for our dinner tonight.

which means by the time he gets home it is going to be almost 7 i am sure, love him, but he is a bit slow....so it doesn't look like we are going to be getting too much done tonight.

but did he bitch, complain, or even bat an eye? nope! he just called, in response to my voicemail, that i didn't have to apologize for it all.

lord you just have to love him to pieces sometimes!!!!

again, now i probably just jinxed myself!!!!


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