Monday, April 25, 2005

~4-25-05~ Still waiting.....

i still haven't heard back from the realtor.

we did get some more stuff packed and moved to storage this weekend. i can't believe we are STILL packing shit up in the computer room!!! i mean hell, i still have a ton of stuff lying around waiting for a place to be packed!! it does look a ton better now though, espcially since i cleaned off the computer desk, so now i can sit here and not be all stressed with the mess.

so friday i spent and hour, yes an HOUR on hold waiting to talk to someone at teh cable company and tell them the box in our bedroom wasn't working. i was so flippin pissed! it hasn't worked in about a month, but who the hell wants to wait on hold that long, so we never got around to it. so i shot off an email to them while on hold bitching...yeah, i know it won't do any good, but it killed some time. then when she finally came on the the middle of me eating supper (which by the way taco bell screwed up for the 8 millionth time) it told her it was ridiculous to have to wait that long.....she said something about it being friday and everyone calling in to pay their bill. if i was thinking i would have told her BULLSHIT! EVERY time i call there it is at least a 45 min hold time!!! even a 3am!!!!!!!!!!

so anyways, after holding for over an hour, i was on the phone with her for about 5 seconds, where she realized my box was shot and would have to be replaced! so now they are supposed to be here between 10-12. if they show! they didn't once. i was HOT, so i called to get my damn $25 credit and she proceedes to tell me they called twice with no answer. i told her, bullshit, i think i even used that word cause i WAS home, the whole day, when am i not?!?!?! i told her she could come check out my caller id, cause there were NO calls....later i was thinking that clay had the phone off the hook for a while, but so what, if they called then it would have been busy, and if the phone is busy that usually means that some one IS home and on the phone!!! i hate time warner cable!!!! i give those people almost $200 a month, they should treat me like royality!!!!

well i think clay is done with breakfast, so i'm outta here for now. check in later.

have a good day!


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