~2-2-06~ Hellooooooooooo
sorry i haven't been around lately.
i am getting back to my old unmotivated self, not that i ever did get motivated....
anyways, i guess shit around here is just pissing me off and weighing on me.
STILL NOT pregnant!!!!! i was soooooo hopeful since we finally did the ovulation test kit thing and found out when i was ovulating........and NOTHING!
STILL did NOT sell our house! or even close to it!!! we have came down to the lowest we can, 89,900, which sucks, but what are you going to do??
i guess it is a good thing that we haven't found our dream house yet though....
and now my flippin cat is missing! i don't even know how in the hell he could have got out! he is NOT the one who runs out as soon as the door is open!!!!
i just don't get it! that is why my cats are indoor cats, so nothing happens to them, so why the fuck does shit keep happening to my cats??????? this is 3 now(at this house)!!!!!
it tears me up cause it is the same EXACT scenario as with piggy. noone saw him get out, noone understands how he got out, and he is no where to be found! i have been out calling for him for the past 3 day/nights.
the biggest thing is that if he did get the opportunity to get out, how did oreo NOT get out?!?!?!?!?! that cat is at the door as soon as he hears the knob turn! so i am all tore up about that. my animals mean the world to me...my biggest thing is that i am afraid he is out there afraid and lonely and hungry!!! hell i am still holding out hope that my other 2 will come back and that has been about 2 years now i think.
so in my depressed state over that i found these:

are they not the CUTEST things you ever seen!!!!! they are up for adoption in my area, so i am planning on filling out an application for them! yes BOTH of them! how can i possibly break them up?!?!?!
i have been toying with the idea of getting clay a dog, especially since he is NOT letting up on the cat, as a matter of fact he is getting worse with it. i don't think he is really intentionally trying to be mean, he just wants the cat to play. today i felt so bad, clay was running around the house trying to get the cat to chase him. so he really needs some play mates! ones that can handle him and themselves. my poor cat doesn't even have claws to defend himself. speaking of the other cat.........he misses spooky terribly! he is forever catterwalling. and always on me! i feel so bad, so i think he will really like puppies too. i don't think he will be afraid, he is not afraid of anything, that cat! the puppies have been around cats too, so it won't be new to them, and i don't have to fear they will eat him.
so hopefully in the next few weeks, i will be adding a few new faces to our family.
YES, i am crazy!!!!!!!! i realize this! and i also realize the heavier work load i am putting on myself, but again, it is for my child, mostly!
i already talked to bob about the whole poop situation, which is my biggest fear. bob said he would clean up, but ultimately i know that I will be the one doing it. the things i do for my child! ha! and i really, really do NOT like big dogs!!!! i like little lhasa apso's. again, the things i do for my child, he would kill a small dog, so he needs larger ones to run and play with.
by the way they are part golden retriever, so they will be pretty big, at least bigger than what i am used to. and as cheap as i am, we will also be attending doggy kindergarten, or obedience classes.....i already have a child and husband who don't listen to me, i am not adding 2 more beings that don't!!
i thought other shit was going on too.........
did i tell ya about my dishwasher taking a crap on me???? well i had to pay almost $80 for them to come look at it, and now it will be about $120 MORE to fix it! i could have just went and bought a damn new one!!!!!!
i am for real tired of dishes, hate them, so i will be paying the $120 to fix it. i was going to go get a new one, but why spend any extra money if i don't have to right now.
and did i also tell you about the mess my child has made of my laptop?????? well he keeps breaking and destroying and i keep fixing. i just ordered a cool FLEXIBLE and INDESTRUCTIBLE USB keyboard (similar to this one at the bottom of the page) for it since the ps2 port is dead. i go down today and the screen is black with only NO OPERATING SYSTEM FOUND. WWWWWHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAATTTTTTT?!?!?!?!?!?!
HOW IN THE HELL DID MY CHILD TOTALLY WIPE OUT MY WINDOWS WITH ONLY A MOUSE?!?!?! so there is more money to go get that fixed. i was thinking of a new one, and bid on a few on ebay, thankfully i lost, i just don't have the money to put into that, when he would probably just screw it up again.
so for the past few days he has been a handful without the laptop. that child would spend all day on there if i would let him!!!!!!! i feel guilty sometimes, but the good thing is that most of the games he plays are educational. it still just amazes me to watch a 3 YEAR OLD working the computer all day!!!!!!
the only real good new lately is our taxes. we got back a ton! which i was totally not expecting! but then that sucks, cause it is already all gone, and i don't even have it yet!
i am paying off a few small credit cards. which i guess it is nice to have that debt gone, but it sucks to have all that money in your hands, with so much to do with, yet it has to go to pay bills! BLAH!!!!
oh and my eye surgery is finally paid off, that is good! that is an extra $100 a month i am not paying out....well that too will go to the other credit cards, so no real gain. just trying to get out of debt, before getting back into it with a new house!!!!!
then again, are we ever truly out of debt?!?!?! one can dream!!!!!!!!!
speaking of dreams, i am off to try and get some. my child has been fighting bedtime, and not getting to bed til late, and then getting up WAY too early (for me)...not to mention bob's alarm......which i know i have bitched about NUMEROUS times before. so i am off to get my, hopefully, 4 hours of sleep.....and i wonder why i am dead tired all day long!
good night all!!
I don't think your kid killed your laptop, although I love to blame kids for everything bad in the world. I think you have a virus, because I just got a weird email from you with no text.
Sorry Jennifer, no more Dibs page!
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