~11-28-05~ Hello!
i hope you all had a wonderful and safe holiday!
back to the grind now! bob was off all last week, they are always on shut down thanksgiving week. it was so nice! not only having his company all day, but i got to sleep in almost every day!!!!!!!!!!!! that was terriffic!!!!!!!!!!!!! love him!
didn't get a THING accomplished though. except decorating for christmas a bit, which we didn't plan on doing! but of course it cost money so we did! all our stuff is in storage, so i had to go buy new stuff!
i don't know if i mentioned but we bought this christmas tree off a family member. it is one of those prelit jobbies. can you say PAIN IN MY ASS?!?!?!?! i didn't know it was just a regular tree, with regular lights all wrapped the hell around the branches. which isn't a bad thought. but for some reason mine of course is being difficult and half the strands didn't work. so i had to go through all the bulbs with this tester thing, and half the time i would just move something and they would come on. one strand i just had to cut off cause i don't know what the problem was. after going through every light about 10 times, i just cut it the hell off! then i had a big bare area, so i had to go buy lights. and i couldn't just buy a strand for there cause the tree only had red, orange and pink lights. so i bought a few of multi and threw them on to match. it is ok, but now a few of the other strands are out again, and i am DEFINITELY NOT messing with them. the tree only cost $25, so it is not much of a biggie, but i don't think i will be using this tree again!
so anyways, money was spent this past week!
have i said how much i love walmart?? you won't believe what we got!!

for $316!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! three hundred dollars!!!!!! it was an open box deal, and the bottome ting that covers the speakers, the clip was broke and it wouldn't stay on.
can you believe that!!!!!! i super glued it and it is fine. it didn't have a remote, but who cares! so far one that i have for the dvd thing works!
that is our incredible deal of the week. no xbox, but new tv! for even cheaper! woo-hoo!!
in other news, i have been spotting for the past few days. has me a bit stressed and hopeful at the same time. it could be implantation bleeding, the time is right. the thing that worries me is that the last time i had bleeding, is when i had my ectopic pregnancy. then again, implantation bleeding is normal. so i don't know if i am pregnant or not. i still have a few days til i can test. FINGERS CROSSED!!!!
well i need to go see what my child is in to now!!!!!!
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