Tuesday, January 17, 2006

~1-17-06~ Phone dilemma

well, i broke down and ordered some phones.

i did go to the verizon store and they wouldn't meet or beat the deal i found online so i just decided to go with some cheaper phones. i mean really. i am not out and about enough to need a 1.5 megapixle camera on my phone, and i really don't need a phone that plays a bunch of mp3's, especially since i am too cheap to pay to download any of it.

so we got these. mine(on the left) was free, and his(on the right) was $30, which we get a rebate for, so it is all free! now i am stuck with cingular for the next 2 years!!

no new news at the doctor's. of course we won't know anything until about the 26th. everyone please cross your fingers! i need to get this pregnancy thing going! i am going insane every month trying to figure out my cycle, and ovulation, and blah, blah, blah!

then again a part of me is just crazy to want to do this pregnancy thing all over again. not that i had a bad pregnancy. as a matter of fact it was wonderful! but then again, i didn't already have a child to care for at the same time! no more sleeping all day, and resting my tired bloated body. my child sure isn't going to go for that!!!!!!!!

lord, when it was nice here last week, thursday and friday, we went to the park. friday we were there for at LEAST 3 hours! ever since then, that is all he talks about, he wants to go bye-bye to the park. he doesn't understand that it is winter! 50-60 degree weather is not normal for this time of year, yesterday in the 30's is, and there will be no going to the park in 30 degree weather!!

we also tried the whole, oops, we are out of diapers, so now you have to go on the big boy potty. that lasted about an hour!!!!!!!!!

he is FREAKED out that there is a hole in the underwear. YEAH! it is supposed to be there. i tried having bob show clay his hole, and on and on....didn't work. my child just does NOT want any part of unnerwears. plus since we were at the park all day, i had to put a pull up on him, which i called bye-bye underwear.....his other reason for always wanting to go bye-bye, so he can wear a diaper.

after about 3 times peeing every where, i just gave up. i know i have to stick to it, but he just is not getting it right now, and i just don't have the patience. hopefully once it gets warm, we will do it, cause then his butt is just going to be naked and we won't leave the house til he learns! especially if i am big and pregnant!!

if i am pregnant now, i will be due around october 7th.

how about the psycho lady of the bachelor! HA!!!!!! that poor broad is not going to get ANY dates anymore!!!! if she even got any in the first place. i also have an inkling that that sarah girl, the young in, is going to drive me batty! i think she is going to get way possessive and attached. come on, she is 22 for christ's sake!!!!! whatever. i liked christine, just cause she was cooky, and i felt horrible for her! i think he should have kept her around for a bit, so she settled down and got rid of her nerves, i don't think she would have been so crazy.

well i have to get to bed. my dvr downstairs erased my damn soap since i have it all filled up, so now i have to go watch it in the bedroom.

good night all!


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