~12-15-05~ What's been going on here
I GOT IT!!!!!!!!

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!

i told them the wrong size, so we took it to get sized right today. it is kind of queer cause the band doesn't fit real great on the other ring, so i am getting them welded ? together. i didn't want to, but i'm not fighting for them to stay on top of each other like they are supposed to.
i also had the guy look at it and give me a verbal appraisal. and he said i got a great deal. he couldn't get real specific with, weights and measurments and color and clarity, that they charge for. but he said everything looked good and is REAL, so that relieves me. i'm happy!!! just sucks that i have to wait til monday to get it back!
this past weekend we got a bit of snow! clay made his first snow angel.

actually it was like his second or third. i missed the actual first. he sure does love the snow!!! want more proof??

his first taste of snow! UGH!
this is bob's little project from a few days ago....

that is his mini snowman in the bird bath, which leads to.....

so that is my time.........i'm sure i will have plenty coming up since ALL of my shows are ending until janurary!!!!!!! i seriously think i am going to die a bit. it is going to suck!! i already hate mondays when nothing is on!!!!! we are going to be forced to watch that damn show with howie mandel, that doesn't interest me at all! and i already started dvr'ing that show project runway.......
stay warm and be safe all!!!!
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