Wednesday, April 13, 2005

~4-13-05~ Been a long time....

i've been horrible about updating here. and it isn't due to the fact that i have been so busy. cause i really haven't been. just unmotivated as usual.

part of me is upset that noone has called and wanted to look at the house yet, WHY?!?!?! even if someone did call we are NOWHERE near ready to have people come through it!!!!

i did pack a few boxes today....and you all should be proud cause i actually threw away some perfume i have had at least since high school...yes almost 15 years ago!!!! and NO i didn't throw away any make-up i've had since high school...even though i hardly wear make-up you never know when it will come in handy. yes i am psycho like that! people! you should see the amount of lipstick i have! it sucks cause i am all into that new lipstick that stays on for about a week (really not kidding) so i never wear regular lipstick anymore, and boy do i have some pretty lipstick! we won't even get into nail polish! or jewelry.

just be proud that i did throw some stuff away, that is a big feat for me!! bob also went through the spare room and cleared out stuff, so now it almost looks like a normal room. it is still a MESS, but i am not just mortified if anyone were to see it. the other rooms, well they are still disgusting!!!!

i think we are into the house i have showed you before, this one. it sucks that the taxes are OUTRAGEOUS, but we really like it, and that is it for us so far. i'm not getting all ga-ga, like i did with the other house, my luck the same thing will happen. i do think about it, but not getting my hopes up yet. if it is meant to be, then it will be.

we got a ton of stuff at lowes this weekend, so we can finally get the house fixed up. bob has been good about doing some of the outside painting the past few days since it has been nice. it feels good to finally be making some progress. i just feel bad, like i am not doing enough. like i said earlier, i did good today. NO nap. i packed and sorted.

i know this is too late, but i have been meaning to tell you all to watch this show. tru calling. i talked about it last year. i was soooooooooooooo excited for it to come back on this season, which was supposed to be in october. well it kept getting pushed back, then it was cancelled. i was devistated! the show got soooooooooo great at the end, the added some great twists, i wanted to see what happened. well a few weeks back i found out that it was back on!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY, HAPPY!!! well i checked the internet and found out the were just airing the episodes that they had already filmed, which were 6 i believe. LET ME TELL YOU, this season it 1000 times better than last! it is fucking great!!!! and even MORE twists!!!!!!!!!! and now there are only like 3 episodes left, what the hell!!!!! i'm never going to get to find out how things turn out!!! god, i hate that!!!!!!! i don't even know if there is hope for it to continue or not, fox's fault is that last year it was up against "must see tv" (NBC) on thursday nights!!! why would anyone put a show on then and expect it to get good ratings?!?!?! this season they STILL kept it on thursdays and now it is against survivor and the apprentice! i think they don't want the show to make it!

same thing with the other greatest show of all time!!! american gothic. it was on friday nights (i think, if not, then saturday). who is home watching tv then. i don't think that is a big tv night, then after an episode or 2 they switched is someone supposed to know that?! it too, unfortunately got cancelled mid-season, luckily though the sci-fi channel picked up the rest of the filmed episodes so i got to see how everything played out, for the most part. there is still a part of me hoping for its return, but did i mention this was about 8 years ago! and to my dismay while watching friday night lights, i realized the quarter back kid was the LITTLE boy who was the main character in the show. HE IS ALL GROWN UP!!! so i guess that wouldn't work! it was such a good show!!!

i'm sure i have other bitches about all my shows, but hell, i forget. my brain is just mush these days! my child is as hyper as ever, and bad! so i am exhausted. it has been pretty nice the past few days, so we have been able to be outside the majority of "awake" time, so that is good for the both of us. i just wish we would hurry up and move so i could set up the yard for him. i feel bad there is not much for him to do out there. i wanted to get a cheap, used swing set to put up, but i can't find anything. what i found that i wanted at the stores is like $500!!!! he probably wouldn't play on it anyways. while out there he touches NONE of his toys, he just gets into everything else that is out there that he isn't supposed to be messing with. you all with children will understand that that is TYPICAL(child or boy...or both)!!

well, it is past my bedtime. hope to catch up again soon. take care!!


Blogger Tricia said...

Remember - where you move - and the school district -- I don't really think I like this house.

Plus -- that's a whole lot of money for a house.

Finally, have you scheduled any open houses yet with your realtor -- or are you trying to get the house ready first?

Ok - the one in North Canton is nice -- but a lot of money..


4:52 PM  

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