Friday, April 15, 2005

~4-15-05~ Well.........

i feel like writing, i don't know why, i have nothing exciting to report and it is way past my bedtime!!

again, TRU CALLING is the best damn show!!! i really hope that there is more filming in the works, i think it is down to only 2 more episodes and that will just suck!!!!

can you believe i haven't been writing about all my tv shows lately! add that to my list of laziness!

american idol is just crazy. i don't hate anyone. i think most of them are pretty good! i don't much like anwar. i mean he can sing, but there is just a tone or something to his voice i don't like. and that scott kid. he too can sing, except this week, but i haven't liked him since hollywood. i liked nadia. i thought she sounded great tuesday, even though i had no clue what song she was singing. i was SHOCKED that bo was in the bottom 3!!!!!! i did not care for his attitude though when ryan asked what he thought if he were eliminated. he wasn't as great as he has been though, slowly constanine is becoming my favorite guy. and that carrie girl. THAT GIRL CAN JUST SING!!!!! i think she is going to win. if not she is still going to make big $$, cause she's got it!!!!

if ya'll watch country idol, or what is it, nashville star. BRET MICHAELS IS ONE OF THE JUDGES!!! i don't know if i told you guys that or not. i have lusted after bret since like 1986! my favorite got booted a few weeks ago, because they tried to show some "drama" in the house, which i think was taken out of context, and that ruined her chance of winning, cause she clearly was GREAT!!!! i know all the country folk are loving the guy who wears the cowboy hat. he is your typical country singer. yes, he is good, but to me he sounds like everyone else. i also just LOVE the guy who they keep saying should sing christian music. his voice is just great! and of course mandy jo or whatever, the little girl that bret keeps making comments about (bitch! haha) she can really sing. i think she is my fave. right now.

what's next. i am sick of repeats, i'll tell you that. i know i have bitched before!!! there NEVER used to be repeats like this years ago. the only time you got repeats was during summer! i can't even remember the last time ER was new!!! and when it was it was after a ton of repeats then!! THEN they had 1 new show and now all repeats again. and to make it worse carter is leaving!!!!! AGHHHH!!!!!! i swear if luca leaves i may have to quit watching!

lost too, what is up with the repeats people!!! your show is hard enough to remember and follow as it is, then repeats!!!! especially after killing cute dude! what was that about?!?!?! i think next week may be the season finale, which i hate!

survivor, i am rooting for stephanie. she is one tough bitch!!!! she definitely deserves to win!!!! now that i said that and jinxed her, she won't!

the bachelor. doesn't anyone else think this guy is gross and goofy?!?!? i really can't stand the guy! my fave. girl was booted last week, the single mom. i have no clue who is going to win, probably the slut. i think psycho girl, forget her name, sara w. maybe, is going to be shown for what she is soon and will be gone. i don't really care who wins, i guess i am just into it because of my addiction to reality tv.

have i even said lately how much i HATE ROB AND AMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lord i swear i cuss more watching that show, than i don't even know!!! i hate, hate, hate them! i never, never, never liked rob, or amber for that fact, and having to watch them both AGAIN just turns my stomach!!!!! rob is such an ass!!!!!!! i sooooooooo cannot wait for them to be ELIMINATED!!!! as for who i want to win, i don't even know. i liked the old people, but that woman totally pissed me off with the road block challenge this week, so they are off my list. i like the black couple alot. and the gay guys don't bother me either, i am sooo with them on their hatred of rob and amber so i love them!! :) that stupid guy who was in iraq and his "beauty" queen girlfriend drive me up a wall too. they weren't too bad, but they were so freaking stupid for not yeilding rob and amber this week, i want them to lose now too. fuckers!!!!

the apprentice......i hate alex!!! i think he is totally worthless! i felt so bad for chris tonight. i don't particularly like the guy, but i think he has got a raw deal lately. he is just an easy target, which is his own fault. i think my favorite is that blonde broad, that always talks about being a mom from minnesota (?). she is funny. she has a lot of character, and she has done really well with all of the tasks so far.

dog the bounty hunter has finally started a new season. check it out.

i also started watching a show on court tv called impossible heists. 2 teams set out to pull off an "impossible" heist, based on real heists. it isn't that bad of a show. the one girl on there was driving me nuts cause i knew i "knew" her from somewhere. here she is the girl that was on the show who's your daddy.

well i think i am all tv'd out for now. one more cigarette and i am heading to bed. it is late! i don't know why i do this to myself!

clay was awful at nap time again today. i think since i pushed his nap back later that maybe now he is over tired so that is why there is such a fight!! i don't even know what time he finally fell asleep today. i was wore out by fighting with him. i went in there like 4-5 times to lay him down. then bob never woke us up when he got home, and when i woke up it was after 5:30pm!!!!!! what the hell?!?!?!

but as usual, the later clay gets up from a nap, the earlier he is asleep at night. he was out by 9:30, and he didn't even get up there til after 9! so who knows what time he will be up in the morning.

he had a play date today. i babysat for marisa. it is so weird to see the actual differences in boys and girls, especially at such a young age. poor clay wanted marisa to run around with him and chase him. she wasn't having any of that. so everything she would want to play with, clay would take and hide under his shirt and start to run away laughing....trying to get her to chase him. she didn't. i felt so bad for him!! then we went outside and again, as usual, they both basically did their own thing. not playing with each other, but themselves.

oops, which reminds me, i think i am going swing seet shopping this weekend so i have to get off here and find out where the best deal is. wait to you see the one i have picked out. i love it!!! hopefully clay will too.

see ya'll later!!! night.


Blogger CAW said...

Love the blog, Jen! Found you through Kelwhy! Thanks for the show updates-I now feel up to date on everything I didnt have time to watch. I agree about not liking the new Bachelor and i was pulling for the sinlge mom, too. Good luck finding a cool swing set.

11:48 AM  
Blogger Tricia said...

You watch too much tv girl!

1:37 PM  

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