Monday, April 18, 2005

~4-17-05~ GUYS beware!

well the following may be too much info, so you are warned.....

have i told ya'll how much i just LOVE my birth control ring thing? I LOVE IT!!!!! i mean the taking it out and putting it in sucks, and it REALLY sucks that my insurance doesn't cover it, but OH MY, it is definitely worth $37 a month!!!!!!!

i don't know how you gals are, but when i was on my period, even on the regular pill i would HAVE to wear those super PLUS tampons. i would also have to change them a bazillion times, usually way before the 2 hour mark. that would last the WHOLE 7 DAYS!!!!! it was terrible!

guess what now?? i wear the REGULARS!!!!! and i may bleed for 5 days, usually not much the first day, and not much towards the end. it is HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she even told me that if i wanted that when the month was up after removing the old one, i could go ahead and put a new one back in and NOT HAVE A PERIOD AT ALL!!!!! usually you wait a week before putting in a new one, that's when you have your period. i heard a while back you could do that with your pills, but i never did. i never did with this either. i figure i don't bleed much anyways, so i better not mess with nature too much.

i love, love, love me some nuva ring!!!!!!

know what i hate, hate, hate? SOAP! i hate it! hand soap that is. i cannot find a kind that does not dry out my hands. i would really love to strangle that lady who did the palmolive dish soap commercial. oh so gentle on your hands you can soak in it (cut to a shot of a woman soaking her hands in the dish soap). just let me say BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that shit eats up my hands just as bad as any other dish soap. and NO i haven't tried that dawn or whatever that supposedly has some lotion or mosturizers in it. but even the damn hand soap i have in the bathroom. right now my hands are dry and tight as hell!!! i hate it! i guess i could always wear gloves, but from working i have had my hands in those damn gloves so much, i can't stand it anymore. my hands get clausterphobia. it just icks me out.

clay got his surprise today. it wasn't what i wanted though. they only way you could get it was online, which again i call BULLSHIT, and will be writing toys r us and little tikes. who the hell in their right mind is going to pay $200+ shipping on something that is already $500?!?!?!?!? not this gal! i love my son and spoil him to death, but not that way!!

they didn't even have my 2nd, 3rd, or 4th choice. none actually, so we settled on the coolest thing they did have. it was sort of rough putting it together, it was worse actually securing it to the top of my jeep!!!! clay seemed to like it though. by the time we got home, got dinner, then put it together it was after 7, so he didn't have much time on it before bedtime. i'm so excited for tomorrow!!!!! i'm sure he will go play with the boxes from it more than the actual thing itself, but you know how that is! oh and i did get this, free with my purchase, so that is sort of cool. it is HUGE! it took up the whole back seat of my jeep!

i watched collateral this weekend, notice i said I, bob was out about 5 minutes into it. it was ok. i think jamie foxx was nominated for soem damn award for his part, but i don't know why. i mean he was good at it, but it wasn't all that great. it was just an ok movie, and as much as i HATE tom cruise, it was sort of cool seeing him play the bad guy, but that's it.

we still have spongebob the movie and the 2nd bourne whatever movie to watch. bob is dragging his feet on the first one, and i want to get the 1st bourne whatever before we watch the 2nd. so we have had these movies forever! speaking of which, let me head to my mail for a second....brb....i got this from blockbuster the other day and thought i would pass iton to anyone who wanted to try it:

Hello Jennifer,

We're making it easier than ever for you to share the convenience of BLOCKBUSTER Onlineā„¢ with others. For a limited time, you can treat your friends and family to one FREE MONTH of service!

Pass along the special Promotional Code word "friends" to anyone you wish.

When they visit, sign up for membership and enter the word "friends" into the Promotional Code field, they will receive their first month of service FREE.

still not as great as netflix, but it is cheaper and the delievery IS getting better. and since you get 2 free in-store rentals a month, it sort of makes up for their slow-ness.

still haven't heard back on our offer for the house yet, i know they aren't going to accept it.....but still not ready to show our house either. bob got most of the painting done outside. we are really going to kick butt this week. i just want to get the bidding war started to see if they even go for what the top price we are willing to pay. that way i can either get my mind set on that house (if we sell ours) or get over it and start looking for another.

oh's past my bedtime again, so i'm out of here. hope you all had a good weekend.


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