Thursday, March 18, 2004

sorry i haven't posted in the past few days, but i have actually went to sleep at a normal time! well, i didn't actually go to bed, i fell asleep!

it still didn't help much, i am still dead tired when it gets to be about 11AM-noon. and of course my child didn't help by refusing to take a nap when he should have. which means i have to wait til 2PM for him to finally go down, by that time i get my second wind and am wide awake. for some reason today his little butt was up before 8AM, that is just too crazy for me! sorry molly, i know marissa is up at 6-6:30AM, i would really go crazy there!!!! so i figured he would be ready for a nap about noon...NOT! i had to fight to get him to sleep after 2PM. well, he will get to sleep for a little bit. if he sleeps too long, he will never go to sleep when i put him down around 8PM.

good ole' hubby was threatening divorce again yesterday. i was so fed up with it i told him to go ahead and call a lawyer!! in a lot of ways i was much better off when i was single! i know being a single mom will be hard, but now i feel like a mom with 2 kids!!!!! and a 31 year old kid is worse than an almost 2 year old.

then like usual, today comes and it is like yesterday never happened!! i hate that!! nothing was ever mentioned. my mom keeps telling me he is just mad and opens his mouth before he thinks, and i'm sure that happens, but still.....don't get me all pissed and then just go oops, sorry, didn't mean anything. usually the stuff i say i do mean! and our counselor thinks i need on depression medicine?!?! NO...if my husband would quit doing crap that upsets me, i will be fine!!!!

oh well, i guess things are ok now?!

well i have to go wake clay up.....write more at ya later!


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