Monday, March 15, 2004

4-6 inches of snow?!?!? what the hell?! i was so hoping winter was over, especially since spring starts saturday!!! then again.......with spring comes the thought of summer, meaning that i will really be thinking about the 30 pounds i need to lose!!! i'd even be happy with 20 pounds, that would bring me back to my prepregnancy weight. i don't think there is anything that can be done about the way my body has spread. my hips are hideous!! and my boobs, don't even get me started there!!!! i don't think losing weight will help those 2 categories!!!

i was going through some of my old clothes, and i have a lot of cute things!! and my wonderful husband got me some cute outfits for christmas...must have been wishful thinking cause they were all like size 10!!! if he thinks i wear a 10 now, what was i pre-baby a size 0????!?!!! oh well, maybe it was a compliment(him being nice) or maybe it was a way of saying i am fat. i doubt the latter, but who knows these days. which brings me to this great "Saying" i found from kelly in my mommies group :

i love this: HAHA! Here's a good one:
A wife was furious with her husband, saying, "You're an idiot. You have always been an idiot. You'll always be an idiot. If they had an idiot contest, you'd come in second."
"Why would I come in second?" the husband asked.
She replied, "Because you're an idiot!"

that is one of the funniest things i have ever read and oh my gosh it is sooooooo true!!! thanks for letting me share it kelly!


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