Saturday, November 03, 2007

Sad day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i have had a bad day!!!!!!

today we got to tell our son that "his", meaning MY, cat had died. hit by a car. so that was awful!!

he asked where oreo was and i said heaven. so then he wanted to go visit him. SOB!!!!

then he said he was going to have someone take him real high up in the sky so he could see oreo, meaning heaven. SOB!!!!

of course I am the one upset here. even though i got these animals "for" him, they are MINE!!!! i am the one who tends to and cares for them!

i am just bitter because i have a very, very bad track record with animals. do you know in my 34 years of life that the oldest animal i have had was maybe, maybe..........6 or 7. that is a very big if!!!

since being 16 (and there were a few more before this) i have lost 9 animals!!! and in 1996 i lost my father, a month later my dog, and then within that year 3 cats!!!! that was a very bad year.

and yes, i know, they are animals, and some may think i am being very overly dramatic here............but i am the type of person who really loves their animals!! and again, YES, i know there are much worse things happening in the world, and worse things could happen to actual people, but my heart is really broken.

oreo was a wonderful cat!! he put up with so much stuff, squeezing, and grabbing and carrying and so on from clay..........but this cat would NOT run away from him, would NOT bite or scratch him......he would lay there. and this cat even SLEPT with clay!!!!

he is actually the nicest cat i have ever had! most of my cats didn't like people except me, but this was the friendliest cat ever!! he was great!!! even my mom who hates animals, said we should have had some sort of "service" for him, cause he was such a good cat!!

so here is to you oreo........i'll miss you sooooooooo much!!!!

*********for some reason i cannot add photos**********

check out

well seeing all those makes me even more depressed!!!!!!

thanks for listening to my cry!!


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