Sunday, November 19, 2006

~11-19-06~ Watch what you bitch about.........

well after all my bitching my dogs are GONE!!!!!!!!! if i bitch about my husband will he be gone too?? i'll try it, one can hope!!!!!!!!!!!

the stupid fucking white one got out, like usual. he was across the street, so i called for him, he actually comes when called, but just as he got to the porch, my cat darted out, then bernie darted out too. once bernie is out he is gone, so the white one just followed!

and i was stuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why you ask???????? because my husband was NOT home. he did NOT come home last night!! real nice, no call, no nothing.......lovely.

i couldn't chase after them, for one i was in my pajamas, and for 2 i had clay, who was also in his pajamas.

so i had to call my mom to come and get clay. then finally at almost noon, bob decides to call...........

how is it his fault, blah, blah, if it was monday and they got out i'd be at work, blah, blah, blah.........well the FACT is, is that it is NOT monday and you are NOT at work, which means you should be at HOME doing your job being a husband and father. but you are NOT!!!!!!!!!!

so i went out driving around, and when he got home he did too. then we just went otu walking and calling. nothing!!!!!!!!!

where the fuck can these dogs be?!?!?!?!?!?

and NO they didn't have collars on and NO they don't have tags.........yes even better no?????????

the cat did come back in, he aparently is smarter than the rest, it is damn cold and raining out!!!!!!!!

where are my dogs?????????????

they may not want to come back, cause if and when they do, kozar's ass is going to be TIED the fuck up from now on and hate it!!! sorry for him. which really not his fault, he is a dog, and he is doing dog things, but christ!!!!

i am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sick of taking care of everybody and everything, but not getting the same in return!!!!!!!

a little consideration and respect would be nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! from at least one human/animal in this damn house!!!!!!!!!!!!

i am fed the fuck up with all of it!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'll let you know how it goes.........wish me luck!!!!!!!!!


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