Sunday, March 25, 2007

~3-25-07~ What to do?????

so here i sit contemplating cleaning up this house and putting it back up for sale!

we found a house that we just LOVE!! not like our dream house that we almost had last time, but this is pretty close.

i am not showing it to ya or even going on and on about it, cause everytime i go into it on here i jinx myself. i have probably said too much already.

but, UGH, to have to make this house "showable" again........

where does all this shit come from????? we had this house so nice and not cluttered, but now.........clutter city!!!!

and now with 2 dogs, who's bright idea was that?!, my back yard is like a big mud pitt. and i just have so much junk!!!!!!!!! yet i cannot throw any of it away!! i seriously don't even think we have anymore room in our 10x15 storage place either....SERIOUSLY!!!

i just don't know what to do......the only thing that really sucks about this place is that it is about 20 minutes west of where i am now. which would suck big time having to take clay back and forth to school everyday! and he wouldn't be able to go to both schools anymore. his tuesday and thursday school starts at 9 and i pick him up at 11:20, then his everyday school starts at 11:30 and ends at 2. his first school is about 2 minutes from me (his second is about 5 minutes), so i drop him off and go home, til i have to get him to take him to the other.

but hell i can't be driving 20 min home after droping him off, the 20 min to get him to take him to his other school, then 20 min home, then 20 back to pick him up at 2.

i mean yeah, i guess that would only be for another year, then he would start kindergarden.......and i definitely don't want him going to massillon city schools, really any public school for that matter.........speaking of.......

i requested info on this private school that i wanted to check out, canton country day school..........HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA do you want to guess how much it costs for 1 year of kindergarden..................................$10,000!!!!!!! yes TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!! i can't even imagine what the higher grades cost!!

so i am thinking that my child will be going to some public school, much to my dismay!

i have to go get this awful procedure done thursday. it is called hysterosalpingography. it is to try and find out why i am not getting pregnant!! bob took his test and he is ok, so i guess that means it is me!! so they are going to shoot dye into my uterus and fallopian tubes to see if there is any blockage. fun times!!!!!!!!!!

well, i will end this on a clay note........somehow that little fart knows my password to get on my computer!!! i had to password it cause he will get on here and download a bunch of games and shit from yahoo and everywhere else! mind you the boy has his OWN computer(yes, he is only 4!), yet wants to be on mine all the time.

so i was in bed the other day and he comes in, "mommy i was on your computer with your name" so it dawned on my that somehow he knew my password was my name and he sure enough typed it in and wa-la, he is on my computer! how i have no idea!! i have never told him what my password is......and i sure don't really let him see me type it in. i know he only has to see something one time to get it, somehow he got it! now if he would only use his powers for good instead of evil, i'd be ok!!!!

take care everyone!


trying out the whole new blogger/google thing..

i do have a lot to say, since it has been a while, but it is late and i need to get to bed!!!

hopefully i will catch ya'll up this week sometime!

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