Thursday, November 03, 2005

~11-3-05~ The saga continues!!

i will save all the drama for the end of the post, before i get to all of that, some news that actually relates to ME!

i thought clay was getting better. he actually didn't cough at all last night til almost 3am. he did get up and come in my room, but i gave him a cough drop, put him back in bed and that was it! he wasn't up til 7:30am!!!

so about 3:30 this afternoon, i happen to feel him and he feels like he is on FIRE!!!! i ran and got the thermometer and he had a fever of 103.6!! so i called the doctor and of course they suggested he come in. well after carting him and kids to the doctor, and sitting in the damn exam room for ALMOST AN HOUR!! she comes in, checks him out, and says she thinks he has a sinus infection. so i got even MORE medicine now!

hopefully THIS will work!!!!!!!!!!!! me?? i still don't know what my deal is. hopefully i will get better soon as well, or i may have to break down and go to the doctor's my own self.

i did break down and take that test on monday. NEGATIVE! i knew i should have waited!!!! i think i am going to take the other one in the morning. FINGERS CROSSED!

well to the drama........i don't even know if i have the time or energy to post it all right you remember what i was saying the other day............(how do i link back to a previous post?) *i think i got it....

anyways....they got back in town on tuesday. well when i got back from the doctors tonight the "foster" daughter, ashley called and wanted me to look something up on the computer and about her phone being lost....i just told her i would call her back we were in the middle of searching for our ATM card (yes, again for the 500millionth time) so it wasn't found so i sent bob out with a credit card to get some food. so i called ashley to do whatever and this lady answered the phone. i asked to speak with ashley and she said ashley was there but she wasn't letting her speak on the phone.

i was like "um, ok??"

the she proceeded to tell me she was donna's ("foster" mom) mom and her and ashely got into it today. then she tells me that ashley jacked her or something i don't know. all i got was, "i'm a 52 year old woman! the only way she got it on me is cause i didn't have no shoes on and i was sliding on the wet leaves in the driveway...."

i was like "oh, wow? um, where is donna" i get, "she here" me: "oh, ok?"

then she goes on, "i should really call the cops on her. but they be havin the cops over her all the time and people here have warrants."

me, "oh, yeah?"

she continues, "there was one time some guy spoke bad about me, and donna whipped his ass, this girl ashley beat me down and donna's not doing nothing! i'm her own mamma! ashley is nothing but donna's fuck girl. anything donna wants ashley will do...........on and on and on and on.........

then i told her who i was and she thanked us for the cigarettes that she has been bumming off of us all week, we finally just gave her a pack sunday. i finally got off the phone.

so we are eating dinner, then ashely shows up. so we ask her what the heck is going on. she said the grandma hit her first and then she just started whomping on her.

oh mind you this all happened cause ashley wanted to come over to use the computer, but the grandma didn't want ashley to take the kids yet cause they didn't eat.....*people i don't understand how something like that turned to blows really, but then again, look who i am dealing with.

so i asked ashley who in the house had warrants, that the grandma spoke of. ashley said the grandma. for parole violation, i asked for what and she said she didn't know. anyways, we also got out of her that that dude was back living over there!!!!

so she was up on the computer and the little boy came and got her, they tore out like a bat out of hell. a bit later, donna, the mom, calls me to tell me that the cops came and arrested ashley. i was like, "really? oh wow?" like why are you telling me this? she said she talk to me tomorrow. i NEVER talk to this woman!

so anyways, it is now 8:30 and we go upstairs to get clay ready for bed, and the doorbell rings. i'm on the toilet being nosey, here it is the grandma! so she is telling bob what happened.

here i guess it started like i said, ashely wanted to come over here and the grandma said no let the kids eat first. then ashley got mad and yelled at her to stop telling her what to do and "thre" the stroller at the grandma. the grandma got up and grabbed her or something then i guess ashely just started punching on her. i really wish you could hear the woman telling the story, cause it was too funny, but not! i can't even do it justice by typing it all.

so move on to other subjects. she says she is concerned about her grandkids, cause she doesn't like to see them living the way they are. she said she did call KIDS or something, but they would take the kids, but not grandma too, and grandma doesn't have anywhere to go (note on that: apparently her man or something had cancer so she quit her job to care for him and he just died recently. they had to sell their house and all their belongings for his care, so now she is homeless, jobless and penniless *truth, who knows) she was going on about how awful her daugher is, and she can't believe that she gave birth to her. that she is a liar and a manipulator.

so we then asked her if ashley is donna's foster daughter. NOPE!

then we asked if the other kids were foster's (like donna told us). NOPE!

i really can't even type everything here, but grandma seemed to be making really good sense to me about the enviroment over there! even if she is full of shit in general, i was saying halleluiah to 99% of it.

she then had to call several people and tell them the whole story, cause i guess donna was calling everyone and telling them lies? so i got to hear the story about 3 more times.

she was also saying that donna is scizophrenic. and also that she is NOT pregnant, and that she can't get pregnant!!! and that dude DOES think that donna really is! also, i don't know if i mentioned about the "husband" that lives there and this dude too. well here the husband didn't know that dude was her boyfriend, he thought he was a COUSIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON OVER THERE?!?!?!?!?!?

then she called ashley's REAL grandmother. told her the story. and here ashley wasn't even really arrested because of beating up the grandma, but on some warrant that she had about some credit card fraud or something!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she then proceeded to tell the grandma that ashley was sleeping with WOMEN!! i know my mouth hit the floor on that one! not the act, but i can't believe she told her grandma!!!!

also supposedly they are moving in 2 weeks to some low income housing or something. bob later called the landlord (bob's friend) and he said he already put an eviction notice in the mail cause they haven't paid rent. everyone who lives there gets some sort of SSI and welfare, and disability. the grandma said that donna gets like 5 disability checks. she confused me on why, something about some blood disorder? i don't know! but she said they are all about $500 a piece!!

so if you read here, you read how i feel awful for these kids cause i don't think they get to eat. so the grandma was saying about how they haven't had meat in like 2 or 3 days, they have been eating the ramen noodles and beans and franks.....she said she had to go in donna's room to get something and there on the floor were bags and bags of take out food that donna and that dude have been eating but NOT the rest of the family, including the KIDS!!!!!!

anyways she said that ashley's grandma said she was NOT going to get her out, but to keep her in there to get her away from donna!

i thought that ashley was living there to basically take care of the kids. which is partly right. but i also found out that ashley is PAYING $300 to live there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that tripped my shit out cause poor ashley has NO life! she can't go out, she is always taking care of the kids. she gets up with them, gets them off to school, and gets them when they come home from school. she is ALWAYS with those kids. i thought that was like her job, and in return she got a place to stay! now to find out she is paying!!!!! fuck that!!

it is just a big ole mess over there!!!!!!!!!! the lady didn't leave til after 10pm!! and i also gave her another pack of cigarettes! hell i don't know what i am going to write about after these people leave! haha!

there is a ton of stuff i didn't even put in here. it is all just craziness!!

i just feel soooooooooooooooo bad for the kids! they really, really are GOOD kids! SOMEHOW!! i asked bob tonight if there was a way we could adopt all of them. yes, i am crazy! i was only HALF kidding!!!!!!!! they don't deserve what they are being given. they should have so much more. they are cute and funny, and just so full of hope and potential. to see that being taken away right in front of my eyes is so depressing!! i feel so helpless!!

i thought about writing a letter to child services, apparently the call we made did no service! but then you hear those horror stories about those poor kids put into the system! especially since i am 100% sure they would all be broken up and not kept together, there are 5. i think they rely and depend on each other. it is just such a tough call. i mean if i knew they were getting beat or starved, but then again the mental things these poor kids are dealing with may be just as bad.

then when they do move, it is going to drive me nuts NOT knowing how they are doing. at least here i can sort of keep an eye on things. maybe i will just have to do the letter, at least for my peace of mind.

well, i really have to go.....again it is super late! but i hear no coughs so far tonight, hopefully that is a good sign!

take care everyone!!!!


Blogger Tricia said...

I am so glad to hear that Clay is FINALLY on the road to health (FINGERS CROSSED.)

As for your neighbors -- STAY AWAY FROM THEM!! how can you feel bad for Ashley? She is a FELON! HELLO? You can look up info on her with the online court dockets - see what type of person she is.

God - Children Services should really be notified - they are eating Rameen noddles, Jen!

9:12 AM  

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