Friday, October 21, 2005

~10-21-05~ SLEEP DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!

right now it is incredibly cute cause clay is singing his "ABC's". he forgets a few and jumbles a few, but it is so damn cute that i almost, ALMOST forget andforgive the fact that he has been up since 2am!

yes, 2 fucking AM!!!!! he finally fell back to sleep at about 7:30am, but just as i was saying a good ole thank you lord, he was up by 8am!

what the hell is up with that?!?!?!?! so, know how much sleep i have had. NADA!!!! i have dozed off here and there for a bit, after 5am, i went into our bedroom and announced to bob that i was DONE, and couldn't do this any longer. so i think he got up for the most part, and i probably drifted for a little bit, but whatever i got doesn't really count, at least to my brain and body it doesn't cause i feel as if i am going to lose it any second!

and to think i could be pregnant right now and have to go through this all over again..........AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we are currently on day 4 of trying for kid #2. it just sucks that now i have to wait until the 5th to see if i get my monthly visitor. i checked out some early pregnancy test, but they say you can check as early as 4 days before your period. 4 days...ppffttt! hell i might as well just wait the damn 4 days! it ain't that damn EARLY! i want to know now!!!!!

i wish i could know if i ovulated from the right or left ovary! that way i could tell if we are just wasting our time and hopes right now or not! that is what is driving me crazy the most!!! no what drives me most crazy right now is that my child is here tearing up the computer room, but i am just too damn tired right now to even deal with it. yelling and telling him to stop won't work. and i just don't feel like getting off of this chair. when i do, it will be to go back and lay on the couch. then i have to deal with kids around 2:30!!!!!!!!!!

i shouldn't complain about that much now though, i think they were only here once this week so far. let me tell you know nice it was yesterday to not have to answer the door yesterday except for ONCE, and that was my grandpa, so that was ok....especially since that meant i got to go take a shower! woo-hoo! oh the little things that make me happy these days!

we did some more painting and fixing up last night. someone is coming to look at the house tomorrow between 10:30am-11:30am. so we are trying to get as much done as possible. i think we nixed the whole wallpaper idea. even though it would look soooooooo nice. we are just making too much work for ourselves. we put up the chair rail and it looks beautiful! so now tonight we will probably just do some touch up painting, and bob has to paint the ceilings. then after clay goes to sleep we will have to MAJOR CLEAN AND PICK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is the hardest part. it seems that amongst this whole painting and fixing my house became a total disaster again! he cleared some more stuff out of the basement, but that also means it is more of a mess down there! but that is his job! i'll pick up and clean the upstairs.

well i desperately need to go lay down, did i mention that last night i also broke down and took some nyquil. yeah that is real good to take when you are going to get NO sleep! so i have to go catch up.

talk to ya'll later! take care!


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