Friday, October 28, 2005

~10-28-05~ Save the DRAMA for yo MAMA!!!!!!!

why does everyone have to bring their drama to me?!?!?!?!?!?

"the enighbors" that i wrote about the other night are at it again.....

the "foster" daughter, that i don't even think is a foster daughter now, came over this morning crying, asking to use the phone to call cleveland. i thought she said that her mom put her hands on her.......

here it was her mom's mom. YES, her mother is in cleveland AGAIN!!!!!!

so she called her mom, then called the cops.........

like usual, i don't even get the whole story, so i don't know what the fuck these people are doing, but the cops would not let ashley back in the house, so she came back over crying some more and called her mom back. along with some other people, i don't know!

so then i talked to ashley's mom and she asked if she could stay here til she could catch the bus to cleveland at 3:30. oh, and also could i give ashley $2.50 for the bus.


I MEAN ALL HER KIDS ARE HERE!!!!! ashley is 22, her REAL (i am not even sure on that story any more) kids, 4 more of them, are here, and are going to be staying with that woman?????? and that woman didn't even get the 4 year old ready today and off to school.

lord i swear!!!! these people give me a damn headache! so ashely just took the bus to her aunts to try and get money to get to cleveland.


so a little while ago, the realtor place called and someone wants to show the house tomorrow....between 10-10:30!!!!!!! of course we still aren't done! bob has the damn living room ceiling all tore up cause he wanted to fix some cracks before we painted, so now it looks worse than orginally!!! i told him he should get that done at least before people come see and think our ceiling is falling in or something. i doubt that will happen!!

so who knows what this place is going to look like tomorrow!!

well clay is on my lap and he keeps typing while i am and i am getting tire of backspacing to correct everything, so i am out of here for now.

P.S. i finally got him some medicine from the doctors, but it tastes BAD, so it is hard to get him to take it. bob is taking it back to the pharmacy tonight to get some of that tasty stuff in it, hopefully that works. especially since they CHARGE you for it!!!!! guess nothing is free in this world huh?!! well unless you come here and eat my food, have me watch your kids and use my phone.........


Blogger Tricia said...

This is a classic. These neighbors are freaks!

1:51 PM  

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