Tuesday, October 19, 2004

~10-19-04~ Weekend movie reviews

well we watched some movies this weekend.

fistly we watched eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. i was sort of afraid. i thought it was going to be weird. but i sort of liked it. i liked the concept of the story. it was a bit weird, but to me the overlying message was that if you were meant to be together, you would end up together. maybe it is just me, but that is what i got from it. i give it 3 out of 5 stars.

next was the day after tomorrow. it to was ok. kind of scary if you think that that could happen some day! the special effects were ok as well. i'll give it 3 out of 5 as well.

finally there was super size me. this was FUNNY! it also made you think. i am a bit pissed that "because" of this movie i can no longer get a super sized fry god damn it!!!!! it was a great movie!!!! i actually got more out of the dvd extras. he interviewed the guy who wrote the book, ok i don't remember his name, or the name of the book, but it was also about fast food. that really made you open your eyes about some things and the industry. granted i will still eat the fast food. i was even craving some fries after watching it. the movie really showed the sad state of america, and our people. obeseity is quickly about to over take smoking as the number one cause of preventable death. they had some great statistics in there. i wish i had taken notes during the movie so i could share some with you. it almost wants to make me start exercising and eating healthy!! i would rent this if you haven't seen it. like i said, it is very entertaining and educational! and don't forget to watch the dvd extras!!!!

here are some of the statistics from the movie:

Each day, 1 in 4 Americans visits a fast food restaurant

In 1972, we spent 3 billion a year on fast food - today we spend more than 110 billion

McDonald's feeds more than 46 million people a day - more than the entire population of Spain

French fries are the most eaten vegetable in America

You would have to walk for seven hours straight to burn off a Super Sized Coke, fry and Big Mac

In the U.S., we eat more than 1,000,000 animals an hour

60 % of all Americans are either overweight or obese

One in every three children born in the year 2000 will develop diabetes in their lifetime

---you can read the rest HERE.

so, check out that site, and the movie. i give it 4 out of 5 stars.

we also have farenheiht 9-11, but we haven't watched it yet.


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