Tuesday, October 19, 2004

~10-19-04~ Update

below, i think, is a picture of the crib tent that we bought.

saturday.....it was up for nap time. it went better than i thought. he still cried as i put him in, zipped him up, and left the room. it was only for about 5 minutes if that. then he was out. ok.......so finally got some sleep.

saturday night. he went down for the night the same, cried even less than a few minutes. GREAT! right?! NO, he was up at 5am!!!!!!!!! and since it was the weekend, and we got all our movies from netflix. i didn't even get in bed til about 4, so i had NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sleep!!!!!

i put his butt down for his nap at 12:30!!! he went right down, no crying! woo-hoo!!! so sunday night, he still fussed when i took him up and the rest. but once again a few minutes of crying and he was out. i was actually in bed by 2am, could i sleep? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! what the fuck?!?! so i didn't get to bed til after 4 i think. he actually slept til 9am!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!

naptime today was great again. no crying, and i went to sleep my own self! we had to wake his butt up after 5!!!!

that brings us to tonight, i put him up there, he fussed a bit, but NO crying! he was up there playing and talking for over a half hour, then what?! screaming, crying!!!!!! i tried to let him go for about 15 minutes and he wasn't quitting, so i had to go up. i got him, and sat in his room and rocked him for a bit. put him back in his crib with MUCH, MUCH opposition!!!!!! so i had to leave the room with him screaming and crying!!! GOD i HATE that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i get back downstairs, i was going to give him 20 minutes this time. i thought maybe we had to start the whole crying it out thing all over again!! UGH!!!! so i had to turn the monitor down, i could not listen to him crying! i lasted for about 2 minutes, i turned it back up and he was not crying anymore! not a peep!!!!! so, whew!!!!

this is really driving up my stress level! so now it is after 2am again, and i am up. watch the little shit be up at 5 again!!!!

i'm still hoping it is some sort of teething phase. i don't know if i told you all about his 2nd 2nd year molar coming in. well i looked the other day and the bottoe one is almost all the way in and that isn't even the one that i noticed last week. so in typical clay fashion, he has more than 1 tooth coming in at the same time. so hopefully that is it, and it is slowly getting back to normal, except for the "cage" that i have to lock my son in during his sleeping times.

yes, i do hate the tent. yes it works and all. but i feel like i am trapping him in there! i don't like it! especially when i am trying to zip it up and he is clawing and grabbing at it to try and stop me! it is awful! have you even had to put an animal in a carrier. an animal who didn't want to go in there? that is what i feel like! oh, it makes me sad!!!! i guess it is for his own good, and mine, so it isn't a bad thing. i just feel bad. i hate not knowing what is going through his little mind why he is sooooo against being in his bed now! he used to love his bed!!! in the mornings it would take me at least 15 minutes to get him out of it! now he doesn't even want to be carried up there. when it is night-night time that is. he will still go in there and play and what not. it is just the night-night part he is hating!

well there is my update. so far so good. keep those fingers crossed though!

thanks to all who have!!!!!!


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