Saturday, September 11, 2004

~9-11-04~ Whatever

one quick word about my experience yesterday..........

to all of you who think i was over reacting, including my husband and my mother, SCREW YOU!!!!

yes, i know, that is harsh, but i am upset and hurt by their reaction to it all.

i know i cry at the drop of a hat, sad commercial, sad movie, what not. but i DO NOT ever go into histerac's! especially in front of people i do not know! i don't ever take myself to the edge of passing out, from being so upset. i cannot even re-tell the story of what happened, without beginning to cry again. and when i close my eyes, i go over it again in my head constantly! this was deeply affecting to me!!

my mother and husband should know this about me, and see what it has done to me, and think WOW, something must have really happened here. not just merely think, i was over-reacting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't know me - I just surfed on by and read about your tooth being pulled. I just want you to know that I've had two teeth pulled, the second one when my son was only 7 weeks old, and it was THE MOST painful experience of my life. I'd go through labour again before I'll have another one pulled. The pain was excruciating. So I believe you. Sure, it'd be better to have your husband and mom believe you, but at least a total stranger is better than nothing! LOL. I don't ever cry at movies, btw, and I almost fainted before they pulled the second one, I was so freaked out about having to go through it again. Blech. Bad, bad memories.

8:42 PM  

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