Tuesday, September 07, 2004

~9-7-04~ Funny...not really

my tooth is killing me again........just like it does every 4-6 hours after my 3 advil wear off.

my dentist appointment for THAT tooth is tomorrow. and you know what. i guarantee that when i go there tomorrow, my tooth will NOT be hurting!!! not one bit!!!!!! it hurts terribly every morning, so i have to get up real quick and choke down the pills so i feel better in a half hour. but sure as shit, it won't be hurting a bit tomorrow morning! sigh!

i am so sick of tooth pain! as much as i am not looking forward to losing my OTHER tooth on friday, i am looking forward to not being in pain anymore. i'm sure as soon as that is over, that another one or two will start with there pain! fucking teeth! i told bob i should just get them all pulled and get false ones. but then i laughed and said i would be one of those lazy asses that go around and never wear them!! haha! he agreed that i actually WOULD do that, and he doesn't want that, nor think it is funny. haha!! i would not go out in public like that! around the house, now that is another story..........

so almost noone updated their blogs today. noone except kitchenlogic!!! i know it was a holiday and all, but come on people. there are "no-lifers" out there like me, who look forward to this time every night, to sit and read about the excitement of YOUR life, since i have none! :) granted i haven't updated either, but then again, i am boring, so.........

ok, what the hell. conan is a repeat tonight. they just had 2 freaking weeks off for the olympics, they need more time off and continue to show repeats?!?! leno is new!!!!!

speaking of new shows, did any of you catch, how clean is your house on lifetime tonight? for some reason it is on at 11pm, which i don't think is going to bode well for ratings, but, not my paycheck.......

anyways, all i can say is OH MY GOD, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?! now i am by NO means saying i am miss neat body. i am WAY far from it, but if you seen these people's house!!!! it was friggin disgusting. i am going to sit my mother down and make her watch it, cause i don't EVER, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever want to hear her talk about my house again!!!!!!!!

these people had 5 kids (all of age to help clean up after themselves) 10 cats, 2 rats and 1 snake. well their house looked like a huge trash bin. you have to give it to the host ladies, they are english (i think the show is a big hit over there in BBC land) they are a trip! funny, funny! there was cat pee and poop everywhere around the litter box. bugs in the litter box. some sort of pee stains on the carpets and furniture. the kids rooms, looked like, i don't even know, just awful. you couldn't even see the floors, or the beds! the parents room was the same way. with a bunch of food and food boxes all over the beds!

the kitchen. looked like they had a party for 50 people and the dishes were all over the drainboard and overflowing from the sink. you open the fridge and the bottom of the fridge was like black and green from shit that was spilled and never cleaned! one of the cleaning ladies took a swab of the goo, there were 3 different strains of bacteria and fly parts!!!!!!!!! GAG!!!!!!!!!

also in all of the corners of the house there were cob webs. and i don't mean a stray cob web here and there. they were THICK!!! and FULL of spiders and live bugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all over the freaking house!!!!

it was totally disgusting and i don't even understand how those people were not totally emabarrassed to have that shown on tv!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! granted they got their house cleaned and all, but that just wouldn't be worth it. i would be utterly humiliated!!!!!

you have to check it out.............

then the new renovate my family was on. i was LOVING the house they did last week!! this damn week it is in 2 parts! fuckers!! and YES, i was balling my eyes out!

fear factor was its usual self. it just pisses me off when people go on there and then want to not do the gross shit. HELLO!!!! do you know what show you are on?!?!?!? what the freak do you expect?!?! that is half the reason i would never go on the show (the other half being i couln't do all the physical stuff either). i could not eat anything! now i could have all the creepy crawlies crawl on me and shit. that is no big deal what-so-ever. i may even be able to put some of the gross stuff in my mouth as long as i didn't have to eat or swallow it. but that is about it.

so what is it about age 2?! my sons hits it then all of a sudden his sleep is changed?! he is now up around 8 or shortly after. what the hell?!?!?!? and now his usally almost 3 hour naps are down to maybe an hour and a half!!!! i mean this all just started this week!!!!!!!!!

i know i read that when they hit some of their "milestones" their sleep patterns may change, so maybe he is about to do something big........like maybe finally start talking?!?!?!?!?!

he did say bye-bye the other day....plain as day!!!! but he only says it when he "is" going bye-bye (or acting like it). he was telling everyone in walmart the other night bye-bye while we were walking out! yes, it was absolutely darling!!!!!!!!!!! but i want him to say bye-bye to people I KNOW, when they are leaving us! oh well. at least he is saying it.

when talking with the pediatrician the other day about his speech, it has been an issue for a while, since he wasn't saying anything, she asked if i kept a list for his baby book of the words he does say. **bad mommy moment** baby book, what is that!! ha! i had all this stuff i wanted to write down, and i kept saying oh i'll remember to write it down later. well it is 2 years now, and later still isn't here and i sure as hell don't remember any of it. i know it sucks! and i could kick myself now for not being more up on it. they do grow up so fast!!!

anyways, he may not say a lot of words, but he does know all his alphabet, except Q, and his numbers 1-9. so shouldn't that count as 34 words?!?! she said there probably isn't a problem, since he does know the above. then she always asks at these visits like does he tell you what he wants...like what he wants to do or what he wants to eat. HUH?! we never really ask him of give him the chance. when we get up, he gets his breakfast, when it is 12:30 he gets his lunch, same with dinner. i never have him TELL me his is hungry! and he usually gets what we give him, we don't ASK what he wants. i don't even think he would know what anything is to tell us. so there lies our problem i think. i think we need to verbalize what we are doing and giving him more. but then again we never "taught" him his ABC's, he just somehow "got it". so there is my new mommy job. i have to start "teaching" him more in our everyday life. i mean don't get me wrong, i don't think i am doing anything wrong, but it can't hurt to start teaching him what CEREAL is, or YOGURT, he does know cheese, and cracker. oh well, enough about that!

enough about everything really, this turned out to be a long post!!! i'll let you all relax now! night.


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