Wednesday, August 11, 2004

~8-11-04~How do you spell relief?

Sorry about no post yesterday,but i was knocked out!!

thanks to my mother, who remembered last time for my "problem" i'm dealing with now, the nurse said to take benadryl. on what a WONDER that stuff is!!! how in god's name did i forget that?!?! *B-E-N-A-D-R-Y-L......i love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *or should i say berkley and jensen allergy medicine(generic for benadryl) from BJ's. funny they couldn't come up with some play name on benadryl, they just named it allergy medicine.

so i immediately raided my medicine box for them, and downed it. shit, about 1/2 hour later i could barely keep my eyes open!!!! i was outside trying to watch clay play, and i kept resting my head on the table, opening and eye every few seconds. thank goodness he played in his sandbox for about 1/2 hour, cause i think i actually got some sleep, even if it was in minute incriments.

i even put him to bed early, well, not exactly early, but the time he should be goig to sleep, but hasn't been lately. so, he was in bed by 9:30, and i laid down and was quickly out for the count. i woke up briefly when bob came home and spoke to me a bit, then i was right back out. i woke up again around 2:30AM, starving!!!! i got up ate about 3 cheese curls that were gross, tried to read a few of my blogs, then just said "Screw it!" and went back to sleep. now you know i still did not want to get up this morning!!!!! even thought i just got more sleep than i have had since clay came into my life. it just adds to my theory, that my body just doesn't like to be up before noon, and especially if it is not by my own body waking me up. clay actually slept in, which also compares to what i was saying in a previous post. the later they go to bed the earlier they are up, so when he is in bed earlier, he sleeps! ha!

they are showing kid inventors on leno. i remember when i was in like 6th grade that was an assignment in one of our classes. i had the great idea of a heating pad that could fit around your neck or other hard to access places. i didn't win or anything and everyone probably thought it was stupid, but they have a ton of those things out now! damn i could be a millionaire!! haha! oh well.

i also went back to the tooth doctor today since my tooth STILL hurts!!! and now he is saying that my tooth probably has a crack in it that goes all the way up and they is no fix for that so the only thing to do now it to get it removed!!!!!!!!!!! i am soooooooooo pissed!!!!! so i paid to have to original filling put in, god knows how much that cost, then i paid over $800 for a root canal on the same tooth, now i have to pay who knows how much to get it pulled?!?!?!? what the fuck?! the receptionist said something like he may review the case and give me some sort of refund, but there were no guarantees, and such. so hell, i'm sure i won't get one which is bullshit, but i should have known. i am so freaking difficult with shit that happens to me! i could say on a good note that now i don't have to pay for a crown for the root canal, but if i don't want a big gap in my teeth i will have to get some sort of bridge or and implant and i am sure those cost a pretty damn big penny!! so that is a BIG suck!!!!

well that is about it for me.....i'm feeling that great antihistamine kicking in, so i am off to dreamland! night


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