Wednesday, July 28, 2004

~7-28-04~ AGH!!

ok, on to a different tv show of mine.....

i actually had some hope for big brother after saturdays show, well i should have known better!!!  those pricks!  i'm not even calling them by their little nickname, cause it is just dumb and i hate them, and pricks suits them better.  i actually started to like drew and have respect for him, welp, NO MORE!  i'm sure he is going to be like the rest of the pricks and break the tie by evicting adria.  then, i almost totally promise you that if a person that i like does not get HOH then i am going to quit watching the show all together!!!  i almost swear!!

the amazing race tonight was good as well.  i was sad to see the older couple booted.  the teams i hate, well i should say the teams i don't hate, not that i really like them, just don't hate them, are the cousins.....even though watching the midget run creeps me out, i think i like the twin girls, and i may like that colin dude and his girlfriend, if i don't like them, then i gained some respect for the guy tonight cause he was really sweet to his girlfriend, who was getting on my last frickin nerve!!  both her and the so called "christian" girl.  i wanted to shove that damned caviar down their throats.  not that i have ever tasted the stuff, but come on, i am sure it could have been worse!!!!

on a personal note, i am getting depressed with my weight again.  mind you not too depressed or i would actually exercise or diet or something to remedy the situation.  i just don't get how 20 pounds can look so awful.  at one time i actually weighed more than i do now, but i don't think i lookes so awful.  the reasoning for that i think, is because before it was probably all over, now it is just mainly in my middle section and butt.  so i just have this 20 pound lump in the middle of me and it grosses me out!!  oh well, boo-hoo me, exercise damnit!!!!

well i need to go to sleep, i have a eye doctor appointment tomorrow.  there is a lot of cleaning to do in the morn before i go.  have to get the house semi-normal looking before my mom gets here.  nighty-night!!


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