Friday, July 23, 2004

~7-23-04~ I'll take all the money ABC has for $2000, Alex

i can't believe i have forgot to mention ken jennings!!!  you know it is a big deal when you actually know a contestant's name on jeopardy.  but this guy is incredible!!!!!!!!!  have you all been watching?!?!?!  if we are not going to be home, we actually tape it to watch!!

it is just amazing!  well tomorrow is the season finale.  i didn't even know they did this on jeopardy.  until september.  so now i have to wait for yet another show to start this fall!!!!  he is well over a million dollars.  it is awesome!  he was just on leno.  he said he  google's himself...i wonder if he will end up at my site??  haha!!

to continue on with television.  i may just have to stick to my word and quit watching big brother.  those bastard guys won the frickin hoh, so now it is all just a matter of time before my people are all gone.  there is like no way that anything else can happen.  pretty much a done deal, so why bother watching?!  well unless i want to keep seeing that goof scott, and have more sex dreams about him!  haha!!  so that upsets me, i usually like this show so much.  i even paid for the damn real player thing where i can watch them 24/7.  $30 damn dollars and i keep forgetting to watch it!  haha!  how i love to waste money!!

not much else going on here.  i think my child has entered the terrible 2's even though it is a month away.  he is just so hyper and so motor butt lately.  usually i could just chill on the couch and he would play and everything was great.  not for the past week!!!  the child has to be on me! not all nice cuddling, sitting on my lap.  NO, it is crawling and climbing and getting into shit!  and for some reason he has now entered a phase where he is putting everything in his mouth!!!  i thought babies did that, not 2 year olds!!!!!  he will also just do stuff now, JUST to piss me off.  he started to crawl up on the patio table and sit on it.  now he will inch his way up on the chair.  then just sit and stare at me with this little smirk on his face, knowing any minute he is going to climb up there.  he will get this evil little grin kind of looking at me out of the corner of his eye.  UGH!!!!  if he wasn't so damn cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  i just know i am going to be mean mommy, i just know it!!!!  he is going to be driving me insane!!!!

i don't know if i already mentioned this, but if my pregnancy in october wasn't eptopic, i would have a brand new baby last week!!!  i cannot for the life of me understand how you all with more than one child did it!!!!!  i would really be going insane right now if i had to deal with clay and a new one!!!!  i love him and all, but boy, he is getting to be hard work!!  :)

i'm off to read my blogs.......see-ya!!


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