Wednesday, July 21, 2004

~7-21-04~ Boob pancakes

well there is a google search for ya!  haha

well i had a mammogram today.  talk about pancakes!!  now i know why i have heard horror stories about them.  i mean it isn't like getting lasers to burn your eyes out or anything, but talk about my poor boobies being squished!!!!!!!!!!!  OMG!!!!!  thank goodness that is just hoping for a clean bill of health.

to make the day even better.......i don't know if i recently talked about my car getting fixed.  i was all happy it only cost $40, i was in shock!!!!!!!!!!  when does my car only ever cost $40?!  well it was still making a scraping noise when i turned left, so i took it back.  he calls and tells me my front brakes are shot and i need new roters and everything..........yeah $40, to $400!!!  great!!!!  i don't know exactly what the breaks came too, but i also needed a new thingy that keeps my hood closed, that is almost $100.  so fricking ridiculous!!!!!!!  thank goodness for my mom and her goodyear card.  if anything is over $300 you get 3 months same as cash, so she lets me use it for car stuff.  what sucks is i just got done paying off $1000 from when i got a bunch of stuff fixed in january.  might as well add one more bill to my list!

****sorry, i tried to make this a seperate post, but for some reason, now here on blogger i cannot copy and paste either!!!  what the hell are they doing?!?!****

on to my favorite topic.......TV.  i still hate, hate, hate those bastards on big brother.  and why, why, why does shit always work out for them?!?!  i was all excited, since their little plan was going to backfire on them, but of course they win the stupid veto competiton, so that whole thing gets totally screwed and now 2 people i like are up for eviction!!!  i swear if any of them win the HOH this week, i may just quit watching!!  for real!  i am tired of seeing jerks win this show.  the only time someone i wanted to win, win, was the very first season.

there was soooo much stuff on tonight!  amazing race upset me.  i really like that father and daughter team.  of course i was crying when they were eliminated.  i'm starting to like the cousins.  even though they are a bit annoying, they make me chuckle!  i am also sick of people on these shows being assholes.  so i totally hate those 2 brother dicks.  i am no longer a fan of the "bible" people (christian my ass, liars!!)  i don't like the bowling moms, i don't like the black people, i just don't like when people don't play fair.  which i know it is a game, blah, blah, blah......but i am sure you can win by being nice and courteous.  maybe i am just naieve.

did anyone catch that new show, trading spouses??  oh my god!!!  that rich bitch was getting on my last nerve.  there is no way i would be able to live with her for a week.  i am just waiting for that black guy to tear her rich, prissy ass up!!!!!  what the fuck, she is telling him to go get her lunch now?!?!  who the hell does she think she is?!?!?!  i love the black lady.  she seems like a genuinly nice caring person.  i hope she doesn't bitch-out next episode.  and how about those rich people's house!!!!!!!!  must be nice.  what the hell do they need $50,000 for?!?!?  oh a boat to go with their boat house.  oh i wish i had their problems and needs!!!!  i just can't stand that white broad.  i don't know how many times i wanted to reach through the screen and slap the shit out of her!!!!  it was so funny when the son was saying about how she looked different from the night before!!!  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!  and how was she trying to "tell" the daughter how to watch her weight........she sure the hell ain't no skinny minny, and did you see HER son?!?!

another great show that started tonight, on bravo, things i hate about you.  i loved it!!!  i want to go on it!!!!  i would soooooooooooo totally win!!!!  i was going to make a list about bob and put on here, but i am sleepy.  i may ask him to make up a list about me, cause i honestly can't see what would get on his nerves about me.  not that i am perfect or anything, but the only thing he could talk about was that i don't clean as often as i do.  i don't think i have any habits or anything.  i will have to ask him, it will be funny to see what he comes up with.  then we will probably just fight, cause i will have about 200 pages of stuff that he does.  men!!!!

once again, sorry about the typos, i am sure there are many.  got a response from blogger and all they said is that they are in the process of inhancing spell check or something like that, and my patience is appreciated.  i am NOT patient!!!!!  they are just lucky this site is free.

well i'm outta here.....i'll write tomorrow and let you all know what the tooth doctor had to say and what the insurance adjuster came up with.



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