Thursday, June 17, 2004

~6-18-04~ YAWN

sorry i didn't get to post last night, i fell asleep! yes i was asleep by 10:30.....why, you ask?

my child is trying to drive me insane. no, not really, yet! i'm sure it is just some toddler thing he is going through, but i am getting tired of it already.

i think he is now going through his separation anxiety phase, which i thought was supposed to be like last year. if you leave, doesn't really matter who you are, he freaks! like cries and sobs, hard!!! for a long time after you are gone. i can kind of see if i go, since i hardly ever go anywhere....but now it is bob, he leaves everyday for work, you think the kid would be used to that. and of course grandma, he throws an absolute fit when she goes, and she too, leaves almost everyday. today it was even my grandpa. he doesn't visit all that often, so i didn't think he would go bonkers when he left.........YEP!!!! real tears and everything! so that is a pain. but now recently he has also been throwing a fit and bedtime and nap time. usually it isn't all that long, but it breaks my heart to leave the room while he is standing up in his crib screaming reaching for me!!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!

tuesday night he did his normal thing and he would get quiet then cry, quite, cry, quiet, get the picture! well usually he doesn't cry, just whine a bit, but he was really crying. last time he did that was when he threw up all over the place and me, the great mommy i am, was letting him "cry it out"....only to eventually go up and find my child covered in puke! so i broke down and went puke, he was fine. so i picked him up and rocked him for a bit, he was great. as soon as i stood up to put him back in his crib.....cry, scream. i came downstairs, smoked a cigarette, and he was still crying! so i got the good ole' aspirin (tylenol) maybe he wasn't feeling good. gave him that rocked him, he was just going crazy "talking" up a storm, my child was not going back to sleep! by this time it was 10:30. so we came downstairs. i finally took him back up around 11:30, he whined around til about quarter til 12. ok, so i got no "me" time that night! thank goodness and knock on wood last night and tonight was much better. but damn! my child never ever cries or whines and now he is turning into a whiner! he is lucky he is so damn cute he can get away with it for a while! :)

my flea situation is still moving uphill i guess, shouldn't say anything, again, cross fingers, knock on wood. i only see them in the basement, BAD still, in my bedroom and the spare bedroom. i'm lazy....i don't go in the basement, it is still off limits to everyone and everything in the house, so out of site out of mind. same with the spare bedroom, i'm not in there much, and when i am, i do a quick check of legs and feet and gone. also with my bedroom, quick check and then quickly jump into bed. i'll probably re-spray them this weekend. did i mention the horror that was giving the cat a bath?!?!? if not, i will give that one a special post of its own.

so i'm not all stressed out about fleas now, except my mother, who has to inspect my child everyday for new bites, and give me big lectures and everything else about what i am doing wrong and what i should be doing and basically calling us hillbillies!!!!! oh, but i love her!!!!!

so that has been my excitement......i know you are just waiting for the flea bath story, so i will end this one and get to it!!


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