Tuesday, June 08, 2004


ok, i am about sick of writing about and dealing with fleas!!!!!

we were outside playing today and i picked 2 fleas off clay's socks. we had been out for a while, but figured he might have carried them outside. well later that day we had been out for some time and i got one off of his back. a few minutes later there was another on on his chest!!!! ok, so now i KNOW my yard must be infested with these fuckers and that is what caused this whole problem in the first place!!!!!

i told bob he better go tomorrow and get stuff for the yard, we just busted butt to spray the house and do all that this past weekend, i'll be damned if it was for nothing. i am sickened to see my poor child all bitten up. when i look at his poor legs, face and back, i could cry!!!! it looks awful. thank goodness it doesn't seem to itch or bother him!! but i pray something will work soon! my mother is bitching at me telling me to not let him outside. so what? i am going to trap my kid in the house?!?!?!?! trust me i had already actually thought of that! but we can't do that. can we??? :)

i don't know what is up with clay now. everything was fine all day. we came up to get ready for bed. i was on the computer and he was on the chair with me. we have a lazy boy in front of our computer.....can you tell how much we are in front of it!!! and i thought that it was so cute that he was just chillin there with me and not all spastic about hitting keys and pulling everything off the desk. then i thought that he felt warm, then thought maybe it was just cause i was freezing. finally i decided to check his temp. well damn it to hell, i can't find the thermometer!!!!!!!! it was downstairs on the stand forever. i remember telling myself i better finally put that up...well, now i don't know what the hell i did with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so in the mean time he was running around, and slipped on some paper he threw on the floor, and was crying.....which led to nonstop whining, with tears!!!!!!!!! i was like you are going to bed, he looked tired earlier.......so then i was stressed! was he crying cause he was tired, was he crying cause he wasn't feeling good, was he crying cause he hurt from falling?!?!?!??! what the hell!!!!!!!! so i gave him some tylenol and sat down to settle before bed. he seemed half asleep so i took him up, he got up like usual, but stayed when i put him back down. then around 9-9:30 i heard him!!!!! he finally quieted down around 11!!! he never cried or anything, but i hate not knowing what to do! just heard him roll over a minute ago, but that was it. i hope he is not getting sick. talk about heart breaking. i can't stand to see him not well. thankfully i have only been through that once so far!

so of course now my mom is freaking out thinking he got west nile or something from the flea bites. so now i am instructed to call the ped. tomorrow and find out what to do. which is strange, she thinks his doc. is a big quack since she gave us some advice that my mother didn't agree with....

my root canal is tomorrow!!! yipee!! i know most people wouldn't be excited about that, but i am so looking forward to not being in pain anymore. just hope that this is the right tooth that we are doing. my eye appt is friday. so of course since i am so busy this week, the window lady called and she has 3 houses to do this week!!!!!

i broke down and called my friend who used to do them with bob. i'm gonna see if she wants to start doing them again. i just hate doing them. especially with bob working 6 days and then the only day we have for the weekend, we have to go do windows all day...nothing is getting done around here!!

well, that is my week so far, hope you all are having a good one!


Blogger Tricia said...

Tell your mom you cannot get west nile from flea bites. But, I highly recommend you have your house bombed by an exterminator. You can't do it yourself if it sounds as bad as you say...yikes! Call a professional :(

12:50 PM  

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