Wednesday, June 09, 2004

~6-9-04~ Why me?????

well............i don't even know where to begin. i think i am going to have a nervous breakdown!!

these fleas are driving me insane! as i have found out today, apparently what we did sunday did not do a DAMN thing!!! and if it did, i don't even want to know what it was like before.

what am i doing now. i am watching these little fuckers hop all over my bedroom floor!!! so being the picker i am, i'm here leaning over my bed, trying to catch these shits!!!

i'm sorry to go on and on about this, i still am in disbelief on how this got so bad so quickly. well how it even started at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bob did get some of the yard stuff, and we got some more shit for the house, but like you said, trish, i think i may just call someone so i can get this done and over with. i just don't know what i am going to do with ourselves and my cats if we all have to leave the house for an extended period. which leads me to my other stress.

my child is teething, i believe. remember the fever i wrote of last night. well everything was fine this morning. he still felt warm, but he was running around playing, eating everything. then at noon we came in to eat lunch, he wouldn't eat and laid on the chair, so i figured he was tired. i took him up to bed and he was out! i got in the shower, since i had to be at the dentist at 2:30. well around the end of my shower i hear something, so i turn off the water. he is in his room crying!!!!!!!!! so i jump out, try to wake bob up. i get him and he is crying and sobbing uncontrollably!!! it took forever to finally calm him. i was rocking him in his room. whenever i would get up he would start again. bob took him for a bit and he was screaming for me, so i called the dentist and cancelled. we went downstairs and he laid on the couch with bob for a bit, but you could tell he was miserable. i gave him some more aspirin (tylenol) and put some orajel on him. i don't really feel anything, so i don't know what the hell i am feeling for anyways. i called my mom and had her come over, and he was ok, sat with her mostly and they went on the porch, which cheered him up. i gave him some motrin around 7 and after that, he was like a different child! smiling and running around. i still couldn't get him to eat anything though. we finally got him to eat a few popsicles and some yogurt. i put him to bed a little after 9 and he was up a little after 10. i went and got him, bob rocked him and he was back to sleep by 10:30. he was whining a bit around 11:30-12, but fell back to here i am waiting for him to wake up. i feel so awful for him!!!!!!!!! i hate when he doesn't feel well. i hope they are all coming in at the same time, the rest of his did that. he got 5 at one time! so i am probably in for a few days, weeks? of hell!!!! especially since i don't feel them, who knows how close they are to breaking through. my poor little guy!!!!

i know there are worse ailments and worse situations out there then what we are having here, but i just hate that all this stuff is happening to my child! that is why i am stressed! i'd rather my pipes burst, or i get bronchitis or something....just leave my baby alone!!!!!!!!! AGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get him out of pain!!!!!!!! i hate feeling so helpless on so many levels!!!!

we had our solar cover on our pool the wrong way. well who knew that the bubbles went down?! it sure didn't tell you that on the box anywhere. trust me we looked! should have known we guessed wrong! a few more days like today and it should be nice by this weekend! dirty, but nice and "warm".

well i thought there was something else i wanted to go on and on about but my mind is fried! i think i am going to head to bed!

night-night, don't let the bed bugs bite (or damned fleas!!!)


Blogger Kelwhy said...

Jen - hate to tell you this...We used to have the same problem with the fleas, I did everything and yet they still continued to feast on my son! I bombed, I sprayed, I called the pros in, I got rid of our cat, still couldn't kill the @#%$@# fleas...finally I threw out the mattresses in his bedroom - haven't seen one since. They must have been nesting in the mattresses and the sprays and whatnot couldn't penetrate it. Just a thought - not a cheap option - but that was the only thing that worked for me.

12:44 PM  

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