~11-7-06~ Been a long time.........
hello.....yes it has been quite some time.
it has been busy here. not really, but with a crazy 4 year old boy running around, it sure feels busy!!!! i do not know how my cousin handled 4, only years apart from each other!! boys are nuts!!!!
but things here are going well, for the most part. the update on the stitches. they were only in for about 5 days, and we had to get them removed. that was just as awful as getting them in!!! of course my poor child was terrified, which i don't blame him!!!!!!!!!
but how awful is it that people are telling you you have to put your child down and you have to let go of him, when he is crying, and screaming for you and NOOOOOOOOOO. it was bad, and again, i had many, many tears shed that day!!! but it really was painless. he was just scared from his previous experience, again, totally understandable!!!
we got his school pictures back, and if i may say he is just as handsome as can be!!! and he even smiled!!! god, i wish he would do that in the pictures that i try and take of him!!!

CLICK ON IT!!! the big version is just soooooooo much cuter than this little thumbnail!!!!
it didn't scan too well....i don't know why i can't ever get that to work right. but i was very pleased with it!
more on clay. i don't know if you read me alot or not, but i have often mentioned about clay and his talking, or lack there of. well in this last year, the child has improved so much!!! well i got a call from the preschool and they had concerns. well of course i was a bit upset. i mean who wants to think that their child has a "problem". so they set up some testing through the city schools, and it was deemed that he did indeed need some form of speech therapy.
so i just spoke with the lady today about the different options that we have to get him into some therapy. we could take him to the lady who does this and work out some schedule, or he can attend public preschool, and she will just come to his class every week and work with him. im PUBLIC PRESCHOOL????????????? how was i not aware of this?!?!?!?!?!?!!? all the busting of ass i did to try and find a preschool, let alone one we could actually afford, and there is PUBLIC PRESCHOOL?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
so i am thinking of switching his school. there are some MAJOR pluses here!!! firstly, because i am a lazy ass, this is an afternoon class, from 11:30-2:30, which i wanted in the first place!!!! i guess not so much as lazy, but definitely NOT A MORNING PERSON! secondly, since i am a cheap ass, this is FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FREE!!!!!!! now i am paying $105 a month for 2 days a week!!! thirdly, this is for 5 days a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes, at first i did not want 5 days, i couldn't imagine being away from him for 2 days a week, but seriously, this child is driving me nuts with all the energy he has and no way to burn it except to drive mom up a wall, so i am LOVING the prospect that he gets to get out of the house 5 days a week!!!!
i also think that may actually help him with his talking and his awkwardness with strangers. i mean, we really see NOONE except each other almost 24/7. yes my mom visits and takes him on saturdays for a bit, and my grandpa comes over some times, but really other than that, all he spends his time with is me!!!!!!! yes, bob is here too, but since he works all day, it is just me!!!!!!! so i guess it is to say that he has not had much of a chance to actually develop his social skills.
they other good thing about switching to the public school, is that indeed the lady will come to his class to work with him every week. there will be no, checking her schedule, and our schedule, and trying find time we both have. so that will be great! i am really excited!
we are going there on friday to meet the teacher, the speech lady and to see the class. fingers crossed this will be what is best for him!!!!!!!!!!!
we went to the dentist on monday. to my dentist, can i please say, FUCK YOU very much!!!!! he told me, oh kids don't need to come in til they are 4,5, 6 years old. ok, well all these damn sites i am reading NOW, say that as soon as your child has all his teeth he should see a dentist!!! and guess what????????????? my child has 3 cavities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that could have totally been prevented!!!! well, not guaranteed, but they can put a sealer on their teeth to prevent cavities!!!! nice to know now!!!!! i am so pissed!!! and i didn't mention, but the dentist visit went AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think he still may be freaked by the whole stitches thing! he didn't much like laying down on his back. then whenever the lady went to clean his teeth.....FREAK OUT!!!!!!!!!!! cry.......scream!!! so we were moved to a private room. she finally got a bit done. then the dentist got to look at his teeth, barely!!!!!!!!!!!! but that was it, we couldn't do xrays, and the whole flouride treatment, i doubt worked, cause he had the stuff in his mouth for about 2.3 seconds before he shot up crying!!!! so, didn't go too well!!!! we are to go back in 6 months. he said the cavities weren't that bad, but to make sure we brush good and do the flouride rinse. so now i feel awful that i gave my child cavities!!! yes, he eats a lot of junk and drinks some pop, but really i don't think he does it excessively! i really do think we just have weak teeth or thin teeth, whatever. i mean there was not a time in my teeth having life that i have ever NOT had a cavitiy!! i am serious! i think it runs in our family and now my poor kid is going to have to suffer!!!! and how the hell is he going to sit for some fillings?!?! a guy bob works with, his neice, she is about 4, just had to have 3 caviites filled and they put her to sleep!!!!!!!!!!! i don't think i would like that. i would be scared to death! but if it comes to that i don't really think there will be a choice. i don't see my child sitting for any of that nonsense!!
lovely day that was........followed by him locking my keys and my purse in the car at the post office!!!! lovely, lovely day that was!! good times, good times!! :)
in other news, my dogs are still driving me bat shit!!! they are wonderful with each other, and i know they are thankful for each other, but they are still damn hyper!!!!!!!!!! i cannot, CANNOT stand dogs that jump up on you when you come in a damn door!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and these 2 sure do!!!!!!!!!! i even when i just let them in from going out to pee, you'd think they haven't seen me in 7 days!!!!! and the new one............chews the fuck out of everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!! that is getting very old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if there were a way to remove his teeth, i may actually consider it!!!!! seriously!!!!!!!
this beautiful old house that is sort of beside me, i wrote of it before, where the daughter had to put the mother in a home, was just bought at auction. are you ready to be sick...........................he paid $25,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this house is beautiful and has sooooooooooo much potential!!! it happens i know the guy and he is in construction, so he is totally redoing everything!!! and i do mean everuthing! i wish i would have been taking photos, it is amazing!!!!!!! the sucky part.......well, bob was talking to him tonight and he is going to put it up for about $85,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is with NEW EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was hoping he would list in in the 90,000's so then when we list ours again we could still be up in the 80,000's, but fuck, if he is listing at 85,000, what does that mean we are going to have to list ours at?!?!?!? 70,000's????? that won't work!!!!! we NEED more than that!!!!
so he bought it for 25,000, told bob he was going to put about 35,000 into it, so that is 60,000m then sell it for 85,000........so he is making 25,000 right there. just sucks!!!!!! just proves you have to HAVE money to make money!!!!!!!
*****to prove a point, my dog was just eating staples!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what else is new around here...................had to put about $900 into my car, surprise, surprise! i swear as soon as i get them damn people paid off, something comes up and i have to go back there and charge some more!!!!!
been getting the hang of ebay. my elmo ended up going for like $122!! not bad for only paying $35 for him.
i also sold a few other things. the surprise was that i sold a broken x-box, yes they new it was broken, for like $58! i started it at .99. guess they all know something i don't!! sold some shoes, a crib bedding set, some other video game stuff.....i probably made about $100. i know it doesn't seem like much, but i sure was excited. i still have a TON of my clothes to put up and i am beaking down and putting up clay's too! maybe if i actually sell everything then i will get pregnant!!!!
well, before i go i would like to ask for prayers and well wishes for my cousin:
Baby has brain damage after shaking; mom’s boyfriend jailed
Thursday, November 2, 2006
AKRON The baby severely injured last week while in the care of his mother's boyfriend is suffering from brain damage from being shaken, according to his mother.
The extent of the damage is still being determined.
"The family is devastated by this tragic event. Horrible events like this occur often, but no one ever thinks that it could happen to their child," Jennifer Jamerson said in a statement released to the media.
The recovery of 10-month-old Nathaniel Jamerson "will be determined by his strength and the prayers of those who love him," Jamerson said.
The infant has been in critical condition since he was hurt at her home at 1331 Logan Ave. NW on Friday. He was left in the care of her boyfriend while she worked.
Eric Kugelman, 26, who lived with her, remained in the Stark County Jail on Wednesday under $100,000 bond on a felony endangering children charge and $10,000 bond on an unrelated domestic violence charge.
Canton detectives have said Kugelman is charged with having caused Nathaniel Jamerson's injuries.
In her statement, Jamerson said that doctors have told her that the brain damage and other injuries the baby suffered are associated with shaken baby syndrome.
"At this time, Nathan has been removed from the medicine that was keeping him sedated."
Her statement also asks people to pray.
"The family asks that you keep them in your prayers and make yourself more aware of whom you are allowing your children to spend time with. If only you take a step back and see your life as others would see it, you could prevent tragedy from happening to your family."
When the baby was injured, police already had a warrant to arrest Kugelman for a misdemeanor domestic violence charge involving the baby's mother. The charge stemmed from a Sept. 20 argument when he grabbed her by the arm and pushed her into furniture, police reports said.
The charge stemming from the baby's injuries is a second-degree felony. If convicted, Kugelman could get up to eight years in prison.
i don't really know her, and i cannot even imagine what she is going through. it has to be the most awful pain!!!
so please send out some extra thoughts and prayers for her little guy, her, and all of her family!! thank you!!
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