Wednesday, August 23, 2006

~8-23-06~ Kind of left ya hanging.........

sorry about that! just been one of weeks r 2!

i did miscarry apparently.

when i first found out i was pregnant, my hcg levels were 45, then sunday at the hospital they were down to 18, that following monday they were 16.

so the biggest concern now is that they go down to 0 and there is no sign of the pregnancy left anywhere............

that said, i have totally forgot about it, well, not it, but i was supposed to go monday and get my levels checked again.

i just finally stopped bleeding! starting tuesday it was horrible! thank goodness it only lasted a week. my friend knows someone who had the same thing happen and she said she has been bleeding since june!!! i even read that it could take up to 8 weeks to have a miscarriage naturally.

so back to the drawing board i guess!! it sucks cause now i don't know if i am going to go back to my regular cycle or what, which means we will probably have to wait another month to try again, so i can find out what my cycle is doing!!

it has been hectic here. we started, the saturday before all this happened, to move clay's room to the bigger spare room. we have been working on that all this past weekend. i want it done before he starts school (sept 5th). so that was a major pain in the ass. i forgot how much i hate painting, the i realized that painting is 10000000000 times better than wallpapering!!!!!!!!!! hate!!!!!

what is even worse right now is that the spare bedroom, was basically a store it all for all my crap! so that is now strewn all over the rest of the upstairs, since we had to clear it out to paint and all that good stuff. you can't even move in my upstairs!

to make things even better, this saturday is clay's 4th birthday party!!! and my house is tore the fuck up!! monday we did a little more on it, tonight we had doggie school, so nothing got done, tomorrow we have open house at clay's school, so nothing is going to get done............then saturday, the day of his party, which will be crazy with my running around to get everything done, is the day that clay gets to go to orientation at school!!!! OH and i also have no car right now. i thought the patch that i got on my muffler about 4 years ago was coming off, my car was getting loud. then on my way home from the store today it was REAL loud!! when i pulled into my garage i heard a scrapping, so i got out and muffler was just hanging there!!!! great!!!! i am sure this is going to cost!!!!!!

all i want to do is catch up!!!!! guess i should just stay my ass out of walmart!!! i am getting really bad about that!!! i am there at least 3 times a week, and i cannot get out of that place without spending at least $100! it is ridiculous!!! as soon as this party is over and i finish christmas shopping. i only have 4 people left to buy for, i swear i am cutting up my credit card! i am down to one, which is good, but i have put so much on it in the last month or so.....i'm just gonna chuck it.....actually i'll give it to my mom, that way, i will need a pretty damn good excuse for her to give it back to me.

so, anyways, i don't know how my house is going to get presentable for guests! thank goodness everyone knows i am not too neat anyways!

we were also supposed to start a new sleep schedule this week, to get clay used to school hours. that is not going too well. he is fighting sleep to the death!!!!!!!!!!!!! which drives me nuts, then he is up at the crack of dawn (to me at least, 7am) that really isn't a bad thing, cause that is what time we are going to have to get up for school. but i guess this morning i was a bit cranky. i don't remember, bob was on me about it, i guess i said something about locking him in his room! ha! i kind of do remember, i remember i was trying to get him to come and lay in bed with me, but he was up with enough energy as about 5 million gallons of coffee. me, NOT!!!! still not the morning person! still can't get to bed before 2am! actually it is me that needed this new sleep schedule, and i am failing miserably!!!!!!!!!!!!

so that is it.............thank for the comments heather! sorry it took so long to update!


Blogger Tricia said...

I am so sorry about the miscarriage. I can't wait for the party!!!!!!!!

11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awwww, that still sucks about the miscarriage. :( Hope your cycle gets back on track.

5:33 PM  

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