look what i got!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

of course i fell in love before i found out that he is not housebroken! JOY!!!!! and not fixed!!!!
but so far he is wonderful. he and bernie have been playing ALL NIGHT!!!! ever since i brought him home i think they have rested for about 1/2 hour!
but now the canine is down at thte bottome of my steps barking cause he will NOT come up!!!! i don't know if we freaked him out with the bath earlier or what?! but it is getting ridiculous! he will sit there and start like he wants to, then turns around. i went down to carry him up and he freaked! i got him 4 steps from the top, and instead of just going 4 up, he turned and wenT THE 10 down! what the hell?!
speak of the devil.....he just came up!!! FINALLY!!!! more places for him to pee!!! oh boy!!!! my mom is probbaly right, i am nuts!!!
anyways, he is wonderful with the cats, he hardly even pays attention to them! unlike bernie, who bounces as soon as they are in his eye sight. and they aren't even hiding, they have been out and about all night with him here.
clay likes him too. he does do the damn jumping up on you like bernie still does...hopefully that will end soon!!! that is the only thing i hate about dogs!!! well the peeing in the house first, then the jumping. if i get those 2 things cured i will be fine.
but we love him!!! he is soooooooooo cute!!! i love the 2 colored eye thing! if you click the picture, you can see it better in the bigger picture.
i already made a vet appt for tomorrow, so hopefully he is in as good of health as he is in spirit!
take care!!!
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