Wednesday, June 22, 2005

~6-22-05~ AGAIN!!!!

bedtime last night was a TERROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i guess, it was partly MY fault. WHEN i FINALLY got clay to take a nap yesterday, i laid down also, that was about 2pm. well i didn't get up til bob called, that was after 4, then i fell back to sleep and didn't get up til about 4:30. so clay slept late. so i was sort of knowing we'd be in for it, but LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!

i put him down at the normal time around 9pm, that child would NOT stay in his room!!! every 2 minutes he was downstairs. finally at about 11pm, i made bob take the gate from the living room and put it across his door. well that did NOT go over well! clay did not like that one bit!!!!!!!!!!! he screamed, hollored, threw a tantrum, then next thing i knew HE WAS DOWNSTAIRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we intentionally put the gate up higher so he could not climb over it, since he is officailly now in a monkey phase and can climb anywhere or anything. so i took him back up, locked him in and went to the bathroom. as i was doing my thing i heard his door open, so i sat and watched. that little shit shimmied out of the bottom. there is like a 3 inch gap there!!!!!!!!!!!!

i don't know how i finally got him to stay in there, but he did not go to sleep until about midnight!!!!!!!!!! mind you people the other night i was in bed before 11:30!!!!!!!!!

so i didn't make it to bed til about 1. of course i am up at every fucking instance of bob's cell phone alarm going off, starting at like 5am!!!!!!!!!!!!! then next thing i know there is clay in my face "MOM", i look at the clock, 6 fucking 30!!!!!!

are these 2 intentionally trying to drive me insane?!?!?!?!?!? so i wasn't in a good mood today.

i had started walking. saturday bob, clay and i walked to the park. sunday, we took about a 45 minute walk around the neighborhood, monday we went to the park and i walked around the track about 1 1/2 times, tuesday we went to the park, i may have walked the equivilent of once around.....but i was doing good, trying to do something energetic. even though 99% of it was to TIRE my child out so he would nap. well that was all for not, cause now my child is fixated with the stroller. all he wants to do is be in it. he used to LOVE walking, now he just wants pushed. that sure doesn't tire him out, but it sure does mom!!!!!

but today we didn't do a damn thing. i would have just crashed on the couch all day, but since we put the gate upstairs i can't contain him downstairs and he goes right for EVREYTHING he cannot have when i am trying to relax. namely everything under the sink that can be sprayed....all over everything!!!!! so no resting for me.

so i sucked it up, ate some cereal and we went outside for a bit. then came the whole nap thing.

well i moved the damn gate down so no more crawling underneath. and then he would just start opening and slamming the door. i was trying to just ignore him, i had already been in there about a dozen times!!! and by this point it was 1:30!!!!!! so finally i just went out and smoked a cigarette. i came back up, he was still up, room DESTROYED, everything everywhere, i just yelled at him to get to sleep and i went to the bathroom. i didn't hear him much while i was in there. so i didn't know what he was doing. then i was afraid to come out of the bathroom, cause the door is sort of loud, so is the floor, and he is a light sleeper! so i inched open the door and i saw that his door was open.....FUCK! i didn't hear anything though. so i quietly tried to sneak across the squeaky floor to see where he was and to close his door. well he was/is asleep right in front of the gate on the floor!!!! FUCK!!! now i can't close the door. and i am too afraid to try and walk past his room, well not now really it is after 3 now, he WILL be getting up shortly. so i am getting NO nap today!!!!!!!!!!

so that is it. all the excitement that has been going on here. woo-hoo, can you stand it?! i know you are jealous! ha!!

still NOTHING about my house..[he is up now]....that is pissing me off!!! i wnat out of here!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the longer we stay here the more shit we keep doing. which costs money that i don't want to put into this place. we bought a bird bath, feeder and more flowers, so we made a new little garden thing in the front yard. meanwhile the inside keeps getting messier and messier!!!!!! we are having another open house on the 29th i!!!! PLEASE SOMEONE BUY MY DAMN HOUSE ALREADY!!!!

which i guess we aren't all set anyways......i need those bankruptcy papers i think i told ya'll about for the loan guy. i got bob's from his lawyer, it is costing $25! then she told me if i have to go through the bankruptcy court to get what i need for me, it will cost at LEAST $40!!!!!! for one fucking piece of paper that says my bankruptcy has been discharged!!!!!!!!!! that is just....[just got a call for a showing of the house, next monday at 3]....bullshit. it is literally 1 piece of paper!!!!!!!!

and what the fuck, i just remembered that i called and left a message with some lawyer yesterday and he never returned my phone call!!!! my lawyer quit the business or something like that years ago, so there is no way to get my file. i don't know if he gave all his stuff to his "partner" or what. so the guy i tried to get in touch with yesterday, is who i believe may have been his partner. yeah, i should call back, but i just hate dealing with people!!!!

then bob called today to say his contract didn't pass. which in a way is good. we didn't want it to. they were trying to dick us out of our free medical insurance. thier big thing was they were covering 90% cost with 10% to us, but there was also a $2000 yearly decductable. so basically we would have to pay $2000 before we got the rest free. so if we were to use that it sure wouldn't be free!!!!! i think they also upped the deductable for perscriptions too, which sucks!

as far as i understood, which i didn't much of what was written, the rest seemed ok to me. i just want my damn medical, and i want my husband to have a job!!!! hopfully they will have a re-write to try and appease everyone. their current contract isn't up til october. i really don't want a damn strike!!!! so hopefully they work something out!!!

well, i have to go get my child, i think he may have went back to sleep, but it is time to wake up, so bedtime goes more smoothly tonight!!

take care everyone!!


Blogger Tricia said...

Jennifer -- you cannot let Clay run you at night.

Tell him good night and put him to bed. If he gets out of bed take away his favorite toy. Then, put him back to bed and tell him he'll get it tomorrow morning. If he gets out of bed again - take another toy. He'll finally get the hint....


10:26 AM  

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