Friday, June 17, 2005

~6-17-05~ ????

ok, it is about 9:30am, ny child is ASLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

he just cralwed up on the couch with me where i was half asleep, i looked over at him and his eyes were going shut.

so i just let him be. i figured he can sleep for a few hours and then i just won't try and give him an afternoon nap. i just don't know what to do!!!!!!!!!!

watch grandpa come over early today and be here at 10! AGH!!! i would be pissed!!!!

well i am going myself and napping. see ya!!!


Blogger Tricia said...

Here's the secret.

1. Keep him active all day -- to play himself out.
2. Keep him on a schedule. If he won't nap - at least give hime an hour of quiet time after lunch. Where he sits on the couch and chills.
3. After quiet time keep him active -- run around the house, play outside, take him to the park,go for a walk.
4. Have him help you with chores around the house.
5. Set a bedtime for him - no exceptions (and ignore his screaming.)

There -- that's what I do -- and it works (at least for me.)

9:46 AM  

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