Thursday, June 09, 2005

~6-9-05~ Still in the dark

i still haven't really heard anything about anything yet!!!!!!

after bugging our realtor he finally called to say that the only thing changed on our bid was the inspection of the well and septic. originally we had it that they paid to get them inspected, but they want us to pay for it. no biggie. i just want the damn contract signed and in my hands!!!!

and still no word on the guy who is trying to get financed. hopefully she will tell us one way or the other what is happening. just so we know. we are having another open house this sunday, and i did check and it IS listed this time! so hopefully people will actually show this time!!

wow, the thunderstorms that are south of me must be pretty big. i can really hear the thunder, i keep checking the radar, and they aren't close to me really at all. so they must be getting hit down there pretty bad.

got a call from an old friend today. that was nice. it really sucks that a lot of the good friendships that you have seem to fade away as you "grow up". SUCKS!!! don was a good friend, i'm glad he called. i'm also glad that he seems to be doing well. new wife, new job, new house! go don!!!!

onto another old friend, trish. everyone send out some thoughts and prayers for her as she goes through some difficult times. i'm not worried about her though. she is a very strong, brave, intelligent, capable, loving person. i know she will make it through just fine. i love you girl! hang in there! you are doing the right thing!

so did i mention the other day about my child. in case you missed it, i will say it again........MY CHILD IS NOT ONLY NOT TAKING NAPS NOW, BUT HE WILL NOT STAY IN HIS DAMN CRIB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yeah we did the tent thing, that pieces of MESH lasted about a week before it was tore to shreds, but at least he stayed in there. well not since monday. now every morning as soon as he is up, he is out of bed. so i no longer get to lay and "wake up" for a bit before i go get him. now i have to make sure my ass hears him and is UP when he is, so he doesn't go and get into god knows what....i do know what...everything he is not supposed to be in!!!!!!! and naps, well he averages about barely 2 minutes before he is up and out. god help me!!!!!!

he is just so bad!!! everything is a game to him. tell him no or not to do something and he thinks it is a big joke, so he will intenionally KEEP doing it, or do it more!!!! and he will laugh and giggle the whole time.....even while getting yelled at or punished!!!!! and the NO'S!!!!!!!!! sorry for you people who don't believe in spanking, but i toally understand why my mother used to hit me!! this child will sit and scream no at me all the time. that drives me insane!! but lord is he a cutie!!!!!!

i told him today, i don't see how people have more than one!!!!! i mean he is so gosh darn cute, and i love him with all my heart, but he wears me out!!!! i could not even imagine dealing with 2! especially if there were that close in age where they were BOTH doing the things that he is doing now. i think i would be on some serious meds!!!!!

i know, i know......if i really had another then i would be saying i couldn't picture my life any other way, and i wouldn't want it any other way. I KNOW! I GET IT!!! but lord, i get tired now just thinking of having another! and the time is growing close!!!!!!!! we are supposed to start trying for #2 at the end of summer. i just wish i could start out with them at like 2. i just can't see doing all the baby stuff (i.e. breastfeeding every 10 minutes!!!) while chasing after a wild 3 year old!!!!! or trying to keep him quiet while trying to put the baby down for a nap. i know, it will all work itself out when the time comes. i just like to stress myself out in my brain thinking of all this stuff WAAAAAAAY before it even happens.

like that damn song 100 years. yes, it is a good song, but i think it is depressing! i already look back and miss the past and youth, and i think about the future and growing old, losing people, etc, and i get depressed! and that is totally what the song is about!!!!!!!!!! now there is that commercial with that song in it and every time it is on bob has to rewind it and turn it up cause he likes the song so much! AHHHH!!!!!!!!! i can depress myself just fine, i don't need a song to do it for me!!

on to some guys have been spared lately since most regular shows are over for now. and the new shows that are one i still have on DVR so i haven't watched yet. what we did watch so far is:

fire me is about 2 different people who start jobs, and they have to try and get fired closest to 3pm. it is a lot better and funnier than i thought it was going to be. i just wish they would show more of when the people they were working for were finally let in on the joke. that is what is really funny! where do they find these people?!?!?!

we also watched the real gilligan's island. it is kind of queer. i'm not really all that into it, it sort of seems like a generic survivor to me. but it is something to watch!

i thought there was another show i was going to tell ya'll about, but it is past my bedtime and i can't think straight. i'm sure i will lay in bed for a few hours now wondering what the hell it i better go now........night!!!!


Blogger Tricia said...

Hey girl! Thank you for the kind and sweet post on my blog and for your post here. You really mean a lot to me -- and you're right -- I will get through this -- regardless of the outcome :) Love ya!

5:51 PM  

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