Monday, June 13, 2005

~6-13-05~ FINALLY!!!!

today, after an hour (literally!) i finally got clay to STAY IN BED and take a nap.

yes, it really took an hour! i did the whole thing from the nanny show, when the kid gets out of bed, put them back etc.....

i didn't know if this was supposed to work for naps, and i really didn't try to hard this past week, but the past 2 days my child has been up BEFORE 7am!!!!!!!! and the thing is, is he hasn't even been going to bed til about 9pm!! he really is supposed to be getting more sleep than that. and yes, i know all kids are different, but with no nap for a week now, this child has been a terror! he was really bad last night. and with him being a terror and me being up BEFORE 7am, with no nap, i turn into a terror myself!

so hopefully today will help!!!! now if this nap makes bedtime go like naps have been going, the naps are gone! i'm just soooooooooooooooooooooo tired!!!!!!!

so i'm half asleep on the couch this morning around 9am, when some realtor lady calls and says they want to show my house at 10am!! what the hell happened to 24 hour notice?!?! but i WANT my house sold, so i couldn't say that. i asked to give me til 11am. so that went ok. since we had open house again yesterday the house wasn't a mess at all, all i had to really do was get myself moving and clay.

they came a bit early. i don't even know if they can drive a car let alone buy a house. there were 2 girls, they both looked about 13, so i don't know what the deal was, i was looking for a mother, but it was just the 2 of them.

2 people came to the open house, but they were "just looking". i don't think too serious. a couple did come at about noon....even though they were SUPPOSED to be there at 5:30! luckily the house was still presentable, it was for they guy's sister who is moving up here from texas. they took pictures and stuff, he was on the cell with her the whole time, and they asked a bunch of questions.....fingers crossed!!!!!!!!

i KNEW changing the listing picture would make a WORLD of difference!!! that original picture was crappy! it was listed the end of march and nothing. now the picture has been changed for about 2-3 weeks, and we have had about 5 or 6 showings! do at least there is some action going on. i have another showing wednesday too.


lord, bob taught clay to say that, pretty please. i could just shoot him!!!! he is just too cute to begin with, then when he is already "pleas'ing" the hell out of you, he then starts with his rendition of pretty fucking irresistable!!! it is already hard as hell to tell the kid NO!!! then the pretty please tears my heart out all the time.

i think there were just some bible people at my door. i didn't answer. i forgot i have those new sidelites on my door that you can actually see through, so i don't know if they saw me hiding on the floor in front of the door or not. oh well, i should have just shouted, "I'M AGNOSTIC DAMN IT LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!" haha, get it, previous post.....oh well, bob should be coming home soon. i have to decide what is for dinner.

take care everyone!


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