Wednesday, May 12, 2004

well look at this....a post at a normal time of DAY!! can you believe it?! haha

i've put clay down for his nap in his crib the past few days, so far so good.....

not much going on here. that can be good or bad. it is 82 degrees! thank goodness so far it is still pretty cool here in the house. not too much humidity yet. i had an a/c guy come yesterday. he quoted me $3050 for both a furnace and a/c. so far it sounds good, i didn't want to go over $3000. he said if i go with him by the end of the week he'll knock $100 off. i have someone coming tomorrow and friday. so i will see what they have to say. the first guy said that he could have it done by next week, hopefully the other can as well, if i go with them. the place that may offer us a credit called today, but i was outside, i'll have bob call him when he gets home. so after all the quotes, i have to figure out who is offering me the best deal with the best equipment. fun, fun!! like i know anything about all of that!

an interesting thing the first guy said is that my gas bill should be cut in half?! so if i get windows then my gas bill should really go down!! hopefully i'll have those by winter. i have a cousin who does them, so hopefully he'll give me a deal. plus, he told me that i could do them whenever. so if i want to do 2 or 3 at a time, that is fine. so i figured i can get a few done per pay. or i could also forgo paying off my credit cards with bob's vacation pay and just get windows?! decisions, decisions.......the windows may even be ok, as long as i get a furnace and a/c that actually works and blows air upstairs. maybe the windows can wait til next year.

i don't really want to be in this house much longer, so i don't want to put a ton of money into it. the most major thing that needs done is the plumbing. my water pressure is soooooooooooo awful!!!! if we do laundry, you can't even get any water out of any sinks. it is just bad. i'm sure everything in this house is original! which means very, very old! i'd love to get the electrical done as well, but the guy i spoke with said that would be very expensive cause they would have to re-wire the whole house. i already had a side box added, and that is like JUST enough. i don't see how that 100 amp is enough for normal people. cause is sure ain't enough for us! then again just about all of my outlets have a zillion plugs and powerstrips in them! i'm surprised nothing has caught fire yet! i shouldn't even say something like that! but i do worry about it all the time. as long as we are out at the time, and my cats get out a way it would be great to get the insurance $$, be a lot more than i would get from selling the place. but i couldn't lose all my stuff in the house. even if it is junk, it is my junk, and if i haven't parted with it yet, then it is going to be with me for life!

oh well, i better go get my child up. just thought i would post here real quick, since i didn't post last night. there really wasn't much on tv.

american idol was ok. my girl, diana, did GREAT!!!!!! simon even gave her a compliment and said that she could be the one that shakes up the final 2 since everyone thinks it will be latoya and fantasia. i felt bad for jasmine. she did do pretty bad, but when she started crying, i felt bad for te poor girl!

i also watched queer eye. it was funny last night. they did a figure skater, they joked that he was actually a straight figure skater! haha! it was a trip last night. they were all basically drooling over him. he was a cute guy!

then i caught stage mom & dads that i missed last week, then the new ones. those people are just freaks!! the only people i think that are semi normal are the black lady and her little girl. they seem realistic about everything and not psycho! that dad that moved his family to NY. he is out of his mind! his kids hate it, they don't want to be there, and for some reason the father is NOT listening. the mom doesn't even want to be there. they sold their house in vermont to move to a 2 bedroom apartment in new york!! there are the 2 parents and i swear at least 5 kids!!!! in a 2 bedroom apartment!!!!! i think next week is the finale and then the following week they actuallyshow what has happened with everyone. so now, i just have to remember to watch!!

i was all excited last night, thinking that the bachelor was on! no, but tonight it is!!! i can't wait to see what happens with trish. i have a feeling though, that not what i want! i think that jesse may want to be with her, but i don't think that he will dog mandy and basically just drop her on their date to go with trish. i think he has a little more compassion than that. that would just be plain mean and rude. here is an interesting interview with her from

Bachelor's Trashy Trish Fires Back
by Daniel R. Coleridge

Like other reality-TV villains, Trish from The Bachelor blames her tarnished image on the producers' editing. Now, it's true this dating show tastes about as authentic as Mexican Chinese food. Still, Miss Trish did self-incriminate by sharing lotsa details of her sordid past with her rivals. And was she forced to wear that "Gold Digger" T-shirt, with its classy catchphrase "Like a hooker... just smarter"? Here, TV Guide Online takes the trash-talker to task — and previews her splashy return in next week's episode!

TV Guide Online: You've become infamous for calling yourself "a money-grubbing, gold-digging whore."
Trish: The funny thing is I didn't. The producers took a clip from a conversation we had around the dinner table about different types of women. That wasn't even pertaining to me.

TVGO: So you wouldn't actually describe yourself like that?
Trish: Definitely not! I'm not that way. I'm the complete opposite, if anything.

TVGO: How did your family react to your spicy revelations on the show? They couldn't have been pleased.
Trish: We don't do much drama in my family. My sister's fine, and I sat down to have a conversation with my mom and my dad. I said, "Things are going to come out. I can't explain why, but you'll have to watch the show and then you'll totally understand." My parents love me. They stand behind me no matter what. I keep a lot of parts of my life private and kind of hidden from my parents, so I did have to sit them down and discuss a few things. They said, "We understand. It's TV and it's editing. It's OK."

TVGO: Why did you scandalize the girls with so much info about your past?
Trish: We were drinking and having a good time. We had nothing to do but sit in the house and talk. A lot of ground gets covered. I don't think a lot of [viewers] realize that it's a very sensory-deprived situation that you're put in. And you know, there were definitely girls drinking [while answering producers'] questions. I was the one who got put on TV drinking.

TVGO: Is there anything you regret saying on-camera? Some of it came off very unflattering.
Trish: Probably, yes. Because of Jenny the spy being there, they put in a lot more things that took place in the house. The Bachelor shows in the past have been pretty straightforward — they were basically dates, video messages, rose ceremonies and maybe a shot of the girls laying at the pool. Out of 15 other girls and four camera crews, why would I feel like I'd be the only one that got put on TV? Apparently, I'm the only interesting one! I say what other people don't have the b---s to say.

TVGO: No woman has ever come back after the Bachelor denied her a rose, yet you're back next week. Did the show do that to keep its star troublemaker around?
Trish: This is a season with a lot of firsts. It makes good TV. You've got to give them that. Secondly, the people who sat in the control room watched our interviews and interactions, and they saw me not having any concept of what was going on. If you watch, these girls are nice to my face, and then the minute I leave the room, they're busy trashing me. The producers said, "You didn't get a fair shot at this." I'm grateful for that.

TVGO: Are you just on for one more episode or are you back as a real contender for Jesse?
Trish: I can't comment on any of that. You're gonna have to keep watching!

TVGO: Did you appreciate Jesse calling you a "stalker" in the preview for next week?
Trish: You and I know this show is in a controlled environment. Could there ever be a stalker? No, absolutely not. My take on that is somebody threw that out there and asked him, "Is she like a stalker?" and he just responded to it. It's just not possible this would be about stalking.

TVGO: After Jesse eliminated you, the final three were delighted and whispered, "He's gonna get a good girl no matter what happens." Did it hurt to watch that?
Trish: I just laughed. What else do you do? I thought, "Oh, you girls are just so young." Just because I don't live my life the way they do or have their viewpoints doesn't make any of us bad people. When they trash me or say mean things about me, I think it's an age issue. I'm not mean-spirited. I still wish them well.

i just love her! it would be so great if she were the next bachelorette! that would really get the goat of the previous girls!!

i'm sure i'll have some more to write about tonight after the show.

til then.........


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