Monday, May 10, 2004


****for some reason the spell checker is not working, so please forgive any typos or misspellings****

house of sand and fog : awful, awful, AWFUL!!!! if any of you reading acutally liked this please, please, PLEASE write me and tell me why, why, WHY??? it was one of the absolute worst movies i have ever seen. why would someone make a movie like this. and why would anyone think this would make a good movie? i am totally stumped on this. i don't understand!

i even tried to look for some kind of moral or something. i guess you could say greed, but all but one of the people that died or had something bad happen to them weren't the ones who were guilty of greed, on any wrong or bad doing. the situation was kind of difficult. the broad lost her house, due to an error with the county, but in a way it was her fault for not opening her mail and finding out what was going on. then the guy that bought the house, i felt bad for him cause he legally bought the house, it wasn't his fault that the county screwed up and that broad didn't take care of her life. in a way it was kind of shitty that he wouldn't sell her house back, but then again, he quit his job thinking he would sell the house for a huge profit, and moved his family in and made a home. i really don't see much fault with anyone. it was just a screwed up situation to make a totally screwed up movie. it was just bad. i don't even give it 1 star i give it a BIG FAT ZERO!!

the other movie we watched was a letter from death row . you probably haven't heard of this movie. it wasn't a wide release. brett michaels from poison, wrote it, directed it, starred in it and wrote the soundtrack for it. so of course i had to get it!! it was a little shaky, but then again he didn't have a huge budget. i really like it, even the little twist at the end. but then again, any movie where i would get to stare at brett for over an hour and half it works for me!!!!! charlie sheen and martin sheen are also in it. so is kristi gibson (brett's babies momma). i think that the sheens and brett started something together, i read of it a while back. brett also directed another movie that both the sheens are in. no code of conduct, i have that too, but we didn't get to watch it yet. bob hated it, i don't know why, it had a good story. some of the acting could have been much, much better, but for someones first movie, doing everything, i thought was good, and believe it or not, brett was a pretty good actor as well. out of 5 stars i give it 3.5 stars. i want to give it 4, but some parts were a little cheesey and it could have been a little less "artsy", but i really enjoyed it. if i would have watched the previous movie first, then this definitely would have received 5 stars!!!!


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