Friday, May 21, 2004

~5-21-04~ Miss Me??

I actually fell asleep last night reading logs, so i didn't have time to post my own.

sorry to all my faithful readers. :)

it has really been quite boring around here, not that is is ever exciting mind you. i was all happy that i finally got my pool all filled up, but looking at it today, somehow it is moved like a foot from where it should be. it is one of those intex, easy set pools. so it could "tip" if not level. so after 2 days of filling...yes it takes like 2 days from the hose! we decided we have to empty it and start over!!! AGH!!!! oh my problems don't end there! 2 pieces to the filter were missing for some reason. well the reason that bob did not put them back after he unhooked the filter. oh but it is my fault cause when i seen them laying where they shouldn't be, I should have picked them up and put them where they belong. WHAT?!?!? so anyways, i ordered those, not too bad it only came to like $8. that problem solved. we went to cover it after we started filling it......well, there is a HUGE rip in the cover. guess that happens when you leave it out all winter hanging over a chain link fence. guess that is my fault too. i should have somehow picked up the 200 pound thing and put it too away where it belonged. apparently i am the only one around here who knows where stuff goes, so it is my fault when they aren't put there then lost?!?!?! now i am going to have to go and order a new liner. didn't check prices out on that yet.

i called the lady about the windows and told her we would try out working for her. so i am sooooo excited about that. the extra money will be so nice. you never know how much you have/need, until it isn't coming in anymore. it is scary now anyways, my husband works for timken steel, and the timken bearing plant is closing. it was just announced, so like 1400 people are out of a job. that is so scary!!! if bob lost his job i don't know what we would do. even if we both went out and got full time jobs, we wouldn't make what just he makes now! so i just pray that never happens. after all that steel dumping crap, we have already taken a hit. at first he was working 6 days (very nice pay checks) then it got so bad that he was down to 3-4 days. that was a few years back, and he has been working 5 days, but last year they took some shifts off and a lot of people were laid off, he got real lucky and just made it to keep his current job and position. so you never can be too sure these days. that is another reason i want to keep the window thing. just in case. so we are supposed to go do a house this weekend, we'll see how it all goes.


Blogger Tricia said...

Jennifer - I thought of Bob when I heard about Timken Bearings. I'm glad he isn't effected! **Happy Thoughts**

8:45 AM  

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